Under this plan, rich countries would compensate the two international organisations as the payments from heavily indebted African countries became due.
根据这个计划,在非洲背负沉重债务国家的欠款到期时,各富裕国家将向这两个国际机构作出补偿。 |
Under this settings, some western medias are willing to enhanced the popularity of products qualityby media hype. However, its abviously that they embroider it.
在如此背景下,西方有些媒体十分愿意炒作“产品质量”之类的事。但是,添油加醋的成分十分明显。 |
Under this strategy, Zurich Group is actively expanding its insurance business in Taiwan and the Greater China region to become the leading Property &Casualty insurance company in Asia Pacific.
苏黎世集团并将积极在台湾及大中华地区发展产险业务致力成为亚洲地区最大之产险公司。 |
Under this threat Li withdrew his name from the election.
李在这种威胁下退出了竞选。 |
Under this trend, therefore, the question of how to interact with patients in asymmetrical was becomes an important issue.
在西方社会已有不少学者投入有关医病沟通之研究。 |
Under those conditions, isolated pancreas retransplantation can be indicated.
在这种情况下,单纯胰腺再移植是有指征的。 |
Under those pressures he still had the courage to stick to his theory.
在那种压力下,他仍然有勇气坚持他的理论。 |
Under thy tender compassion we run, O Mother of God, reject not our prayer in our trouble, but deliver us from harm, only pure, only blessed one.
上帝之母,我们投奔于你的慈怀;至洁、至福者,在急难中,请勿拒绝我们的祈祷,但求解救我们于危难。 |
Under time slicing, a task executes for a predefined slice of time and then reenters the pool of ready tasks.
在分时调度情况下,一个任务执行一个预定义的时间片后,就进入准备队列等待下一次的执行。 |
Under tough new aviation security legislation the check-in warnings, saying airline staff take jokes about bombs seriously, will be replaced by criminal charges that could see fines of up to A$5500 for even the most offhand one-liner.
根据澳洲新通过的严格飞航安全法规,原本的登机前警告,即航空公司人员会严肃看待有关炸弹的笑话,将由刑事告诉取代,罚款最高可达五千五百澳币,即使是最随便的笑话也是一样。 |
Under water, famine ; under snow, bread.
洪水造饥馑,瑞雪兆丰年。 |