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The conditions include acute intoxication, harmful use, dependence and psychotic disorders. These tend to have links with the tendency to commit suicide.

The conditions and standards for labourers to enjoy social insurance benefits shall be stipulated by laws, rules and regulations. 劳动者享受社会保险待遇的条件和标准由法律、法规规定。
The conditions are favorable for opening a new business. 各种条件有利于开办新企业。
The conditions for it have been building, in slow motion, for years. 促发战争的种种条件都是在长年累月中缓慢地积蓄起来。
The conditions for oil accumulation is Liuxi Area of Raoyang Depression are analyzed. 摘要分析了饶阳凹陷留西地区的成藏条件。
The conditions have reduced water levels in the Yangtze River to historic lows and raised concerns over the massive Three Gorges dam's ability to generate power, state media reported last week. 官方媒体上周表示,恶劣的情况使得长江的水位下降到历史最低点,三峡大坝的发电问题也备受关注。
The conditions include acute intoxication, harmful use, dependence and psychotic disorders. These tend to have links with the tendency to commit suicide. 物质滥用可导致急性中毒,使用过量,依赖和精神障碍。
The conditions of simultaneous diagonalization of two matrices are given. 摘要给出两个矩阵同时合同对角化与同时相似对角化的一些条件。
The conditions of storage must be recorded. 必须记录贮存的条件。
The conditions of the affected pericardium coincide with those of the heart. 心包受邪出现的病证与心是一致的。
The conditions on Nocturne are not conducive to training for high speed attack or using the anti-grav engines of Land Speeders, so the Chapter employs relatively few of these specialised fast attack units. 由于那克土恩不能制造出高移动速度和小巧的陆地飞毛腿引擎,所以军团以连队为单位雇佣了许多类似的快速移动和反应部队。
The conditions that existed ten years ago are reproduced today. 十年前的情形今天又重现了。

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