I had expended much time on the work but they told me it's useless.
我花了很多时间在这件工作上,他们却告诉我说这是无用的。 |
I had experience at first hand of the worst aspects of that banking system.
对那套银行系统中最糟糕的一些问题,我有过亲身体验。 |
I had experienced a few small sandstorms over the previous months but this left them in the dust. This was otherworldly, bizarre and menacing, definitely frightening yet undeniably compelling.
前几个月我在北京也经历过几次小规模的沙尘暴,但和这次相比简直不值一提。这次的沙尘暴彷佛来自另一个世界,既骇人听闻,又触目惊心。 |
I had extracted a detailed account from him.
我从他那里打听出了详情。 |
I had failed to convince him of his error.
我无法说服他让他认识到自己的错误。 |
I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
诗27:13我若不信在活人之地得见耶和华的恩惠、就早已丧胆了。 |
I had fallen in love with an innocent child-like girl, and I could not expect her to become a wise, experienced woman in such a short time.
我爱上了天真的、没长大的女孩,我不能期望在短时间内把她变成一位聪慧、能干的女人。 |
I had firmly determined to do so two months before, and poor as I was, I bought a splendid revolver that very day, and loaded it.
早在两个月前我就果断地下了这一决心,尽管我很穷,还是买了一支漂亮的手枪,并且在当天就装上了子弹。 |
I had forgotten to braid my hair.
我忘了编起我的头发。 |
I had forgotten to braid my hair. The languid breeze played with it upon my neck.
我忘记把头发编起。困倦的风在我颊上和它嬉戏。 |
I had forgotten to bring my notes and had to speak ad lib.
我忘记带讲稿了, 只好临时讲几句. |