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He gave a whistle in order to draw people's attention.

He gave a speech on the heresies of the early Protestants. 他就早期新教徒的异端邪说作了演讲。
He gave a summary report of the day's events. 他对一天的事件作了简要的报告。
He gave a talk on his visit to Russia. 他发表一篇有关他访问俄国的谈话。
He gave a touching valediction at graduation. 他在毕业典礼上发表了动人的告别辞。
He gave a vivid and spirited description of what he had seen. 他有声有色地描述了一番他看到的情形。
He gave a whistle in order to draw people's attention. 他吹了声口哨以引起人们的注意。
He gave a wrench to his ankle when he jumped down. 他跳下去的时候扭伤了足踝。
He gave all his historical papers to the library. (他将自己那些历史资料都赠给了图书馆。)
He gave alms to beggars in the street. 他给街上的乞丐一些施舍.
He gave also their crops to the grasshopper And the product of their labor to the locust. 诗78:46把他们的土产交给蚂蚱、把他们辛苦得来的交给蝗虫。
He gave also their increase unto the caterpiller, and their labour unto the locust. 诗78:46把他们的土产交给蚂蚱、把他们辛苦得来的交给蝗虫。

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