Applications of green fluorescent protein in plant molecular biology
GFP在植物分子生物学研究中的应用 |
Microalgae bio-refinery technology
微藻生物炼制技术 |
Protection Strategy for Traditional Knowledge Associated Biodiversity in the Ethnic Areas of China
民族地区生物多样性相关传统知识的保护战略 |
Structural Characters of Leaf Epidermis and Their Systematic Significance in Sapindaceae from China
中国无患子科的叶表皮特征及其系统学意义 |
A comparative study between the two dimensional gel electrophoresis and iTRAQ method
二维电泳和iTRAQ的实验比较 |
Screening of Penicillium Strain with High Copper Resistance and Its Adsorption of Heavy Metals
高抗铜青霉菌的筛选及其对重金属的吸附 |
Dynamic Changes of Lactic Acid Bacteria Degrading Nitrite
乳酸菌降解亚硝酸盐的动态研究 |
Distribution of Avian Influenza virus Subtypes among Domestic Ducks in Eastern China
近年来华东地区家鸭中禽流感病毒的亚型分布 |
Plant Regeneration from Hairy Roots of Datura arborea L.
木本曼陀罗毛状根植株再生体系的建立 |
Optimization of SRAP Reaction System in Cassava
木薯SRAP扩增体系的建立与优化 |
Plant Community Succession in Modern Huanghe River Delta
现代黄河三角洲的植被群落演替阶段 |