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Objective:To evaluate the usefulness of arthroscopy in the management of septic coxitis in adults.
目的 :对成人急性化脓性髋关节炎关节镜下施行引流术后评价其疗效。

Objective:To discuss the clinical & haematological characteristics of Gaucher disease(GD). 目的:探讨戈谢病(GD)的临床及血液学特点。
Objective:To enquire into the usage of quinolones in the child patients. 目的:对喹诺酮类药物在儿童患者应用中的问题进行探讨。
Objective:To establish a special determination method for Sanshedanchuanbei syrupus. 目的 :为三蛇胆川贝糖浆建立专属性含量测定方法。
Objective:To evaluate the efficacy and safety of three second-generation antihistamines in the treatment of chronic idio pathic urticaria. 目的:评价第代抗组胺药咪唑斯汀、西替利嗪、氯雷他定治疗慢性特发性荨麻疹的疗效和安全性。
Objective:To evaluate the roles of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene and α adducin gene in the occurrence of hypertension among the people in village of Beijing. 目的 :评价α adducin基因和MTHFR基因与北京农村人群血压水平的关系。
Objective:To evaluate the usefulness of arthroscopy in the management of septic coxitis in adults. 目的 :对成人急性化脓性髋关节炎关节镜下施行引流术后评价其疗效。
Objective:To evaluate the value of Hysterosalpingography(HSG),Transvaginal hystero salpingosonography(THSSG) and laparoscope in detecting the patency of fallopian tuber in the infertility females. 目的 :本文通过分析女性不孕患者进行子宫输卵管碘油造影 (HSG)、经阴道子宫输卵管声学造影 (THSSG)及腹腔镜检查的对比研究 ,探讨三种方法在诊断输卵管通畅度的价值。
Objective:To explore the effects of the interleukin- receptor antagonist protein(IL-Ra) on the apoptosis of the bipedal rats′ intervertebral disc cell. 目的:探讨白介素-受体拮抗剂(IL-Ra)对双后肢大鼠椎间盘细胞凋亡的影响。
Objective:To explore the effects of the interleukin- receptor antagonist protein(IL-Ra) on the metabolism of the extracellular matrix in the bipedal rats′ intervertebral disc cell. 目的:探讨白介素-受体拮抗剂(IL-Ra)对双后肢大鼠椎间盘基质代谢的影响。
Objective:To explore the features of the single maxillary sinusitis caseosa and its pathologic basis,and to differential diagnosis from carcinoma of masillary sinus. 目的:探讨单发干酷性上颌窦炎的CT征象及其病理基础,以期与上颌窦癌鉴别。
Objective:To explore the therapeutic effect of soothe liver and regulate stomach method in treating functional dyspepsia ( FD ). 目的:探讨疏肝和胃法治疗功能性消化不良(Functional Dyspepsia,FD)的临床疗效。

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