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Detection for amoxillin/flucloxacillin Capsules by HPLC;

HPCE Determination of Curcumins in Curcuma longa L.; 高效毛细管电泳法测定姜黄中姜黄素类化合物
HPCE Determination of Curcumins in Curcuma longa L.; 高效毛细管电泳法测定姜黄中姜黄素类化合物
High performance extraction of Astragaloside Ⅳ: A technical study; 高效提取黄芪甲苷的工艺研究
Determination of cinnamic acid in Cinnamomum cassia presl after compatibility in Coptis chinensis Franch; 高效液相法测定黄连配伍肉桂前后肉桂酸的含量
Determination of Content of Paeoniflorin in Radix Paeoniae Alba by HPLC; 高效液相色谱测定白芍中芍药苷的含量
Detection for amoxillin/flucloxacillin Capsules by HPLC; 高效液相色谱法测定阿莫西林/氟氯西林钠胶囊溶出度
Residues of abamectin in wolfberry by HPLC; 高效液相色谱法测定阿维菌素在枸杞果实中的残留动态
Determination of Total Glucosides of Paeony in Radix Paeoniae Alba by HPLC; 高效液相色谱法测定白芍药材中白芍总苷含量
Determination of Atractylon in the volatile oil of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz by HPLC; 高效液相色谱法测定白术挥发油中苍术酮的含量
Determination of Permethrin in Anti-mosquito Clothes by HPLC; 高效液相色谱法测定避蚊衣中氯菊酯的含量
Determination of TA content in offgrade PTA by high performance liquid chromatography; 高效液相色谱法测定次级PTA中的对苯二甲酸含量

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