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The reasonable mathematical modeling and transom conditions for the transom flows are investigated through analyzing the physical characters of transom flow phenomena of high speed ships.

The reasonable and sustainable floatation and payment of fund on social endowment insurance is the important base and aspect for social endowment system and harmonizing society. 摘要社会养老保险基金的科学合理、可持续地筹集与支付,是社会养老保险制度的重要基础,是建立社会保障制度,构建社会主义和谐社会的重要环节。
The reasonable depreciation arising from such damage or loss, but not exceeding the estimated cost of repairs. 如未经修理或更换,按该项损失引起的合理贬值,但不得超过估计的修理费用。
The reasonable exercise prices of stock option plan through single game and repeated game are discussed and an example is presented. 在股票期权定价博弈分析时,探讨了通过一次博弈与重复博弈合理确定股票期权计划中的行权价,并进行了实例分析。
The reasonable hierarchy aims at protecting human beings' emulative desire, favorable to the elite; the limited struggle restraining the law of jungle, favorable to the mass. 合理等级是用来保护人类的好胜心,是有利于精英的一种安排;有限斗争是要抑制人类的弱肉强食,是有利于平民的一种安排。
The reasonable infrastructures and complete town planning can meet the needs of the development of modern enterprises. 目前工业区内基础设施配套合理,市政工程布局完备,完全符合现代企业发展的需要。
The reasonable mathematical modeling and transom conditions for the transom flows are investigated through analyzing the physical characters of transom flow phenomena of high speed ships. 摘要由排水型高速船方尾流动现象物理特征的分析,讨论方尾流动的适当数学模型与方尾条件的提法。
The reasonable range of the average market price, average price differential and average profit margin of the commodities and services shall be specified pursuant to their relationship to the national economy and social development or the closeness of the 商品或者服务的市场平均价格、平均差价率、平均利润率的合理幅度,按照其与国民经济和社会发展的关系或者与居民生活的密切程度,市场供求状况和不同行业、不同环节、不同商品或者服务的特点规定。
The reasonableness of the numeric method for computing limiting concentration of light component in distillate is confirmed using the calculated results of the example. 通过举例计算检验了馏出液中轻组分极限浓度的数值计算方法的合理性。
The reasoning behind this is that less curvy women are thought to have higher levels of the male hormone, testosterone. 这种说法的论据是人们认为曲线较不明显的妇女具有较多的男性荷尔蒙──睾丸素酮。
The reasoning behind this is that the human brain (even yours) can only take in and process so much information at one time. 之所以这样做,其潜在的原因是由于人类的大脑(甚至是你)只能同时接受和处理为数不多的信息。
The reasoning is that humanity is self-serving, so in order to create a truly humanoid robot the robot must be self-serving as well. 它的理论根据是:人性是自私的,因此为了创造出一个真正的类人机器人,机器人本身也必须是自私的。

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