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Computer Control and Design on Inking System of Offset Press

Comprehensive Prevention & Treatment Technology of SO_ from Coal Fired Boilers 燃煤SO_的综合防治技术
Comprehensively Utilize the Acid Sludge of Sulfuric Alkylation 硫酸烷基化酸渣的综合利用
Compression of Raman laser pulses by travelling wave pumping 行波泵浦喇曼激光器的脉宽压缩
Computation and Analysis of Three Dimentional Flow Field for Centrifugal Compressor Impeller with Backward Swept Blades 离心式压气机后掠叶片叶轮的三元流场计算和分析
Computatuin of Charred Thickness and Design Thickness of Internal Insulation 内绝热层的炭化厚度和设计厚度计算
Computer Control and Design on Inking System of Offset Press 胶印机输墨系统计算机控制与设计
Computer Inport & Outport Control Method Based oil DLL 基于VB和DLL的硬件端口控制方法
Computer Simulation is a eidetic imitation by computer for physical process,systemstructure and social economy development. 计算机仿真是利用电子计算机对物理过程、系统结构以至社会经济发展等过程进行比较逼真的模仿。
Computer Simulation is an eidetic imitation by computer for physical process, system structure and social economy development. 计算机仿真是利用电子计算机对物理过程、系统结构以至社会经济发展等过程进行比较逼真的模仿。
Computer aided diagnosis for hypertropia with an isolated paretic cyclovertical muscle 计算机辅助诊断单条垂直肌不全麻痹
Computer guarded system for modernization building 现代化楼宇安全的计算机防范体系

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