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This section lectures on the classic lines from movies, accompanied with typical examples to explain the most practical phrases and grammars. 在2005年《动感英语》播出后,翁老师亲和时尚的讲述风格迅速得到了广大观众的认可,甚至产生了为数不少的忠实粉丝。
This section lists the course's experiment assignments and supplemental materials. 这部份列出本课程的实验内容和补充资料。
This section of Stagecraft is designed to explore the special techniques and materials used in scenic construction. 舞台艺术的该部分课程主要是探讨舞台景片搭建中使用的特殊技术和材料。
This section of coronary artery demonstrates remote thrombosis with recanalization to leave only two small, narrow channels. 图示:冠状动脉血栓形成后再通。可以看到两个狭窄的通道。
This section of the document discusses two important issues that affect the internationalization of HTML: specifying the language (the lang attribute) and direction (the dir attribute) of text in a document. 文档的该部分讨论了影响到HTML的国际化的两个问题:具体说明了一个文档中文本的语言(术语属性)和方向(目录属性)。
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This section of the test is presented in four columns across two pages to allow each question to be shown in four different ways of representing Chinese: traditional characters, simplified characters, pinyin romanization, and the Chinese phonetical phabet 这部分每道题都分别以正体字、简化字、汉语拼音及注音符号四种型态同时列出在相对应的两页试卷上,考生只需会其中一种就能作答。
This section provides a complete set of lecture slides for the course, including presentations by guest lecturers from academia and industry. 这部分提供一套完整的讲稿幻灯片,包含来自学术界和工业界的客座演讲。
This section provides brief summaries of the three team assignments due during the course. 这部分里对3个小组作业做了简单的总结。
This section provides guidelines for differentiating magic and psionics. 本节提供了如何分开魔法和灵能的指导方针。
This section provides information for those nurses and midwives from outside the European Union who wish to apply for registration as a nurse or midwife with the NMC. 本文将向那些来自欧盟以外.希望在NMC申请注册为护士或助产士的护士或助产士提供信息.

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