But just at the point where Roddick seemed to have taken a hold on the match after taking the fourth set tiebreak 9-7 on a Ljubicic double fault, it was the Croat who raised his level, winning the first eight points of the final set, and breaking a second
依仗柳比西奇的发球双误,罗迪克以9-7取得了第四盘抢七的胜利.但事实上,他的对手在提高着比赛的水平.第五盘一上来,柳比西奇便没有再给罗迪克任何机会.他连赢8分,并在恰当的时间和地点两次破掉罗迪克的发球局. |
But just because markets have muddled through so far does not mean that they will always do so.
但是如果仅仅因为市场在这么长时间内都应付过去不能说明他们会一直如此。 |
But just because you've got several decades behind you doesn't mean you have to feel old.
然而并不是你经历了数十载的人生就意味你的心也在老去。 |
But just before the competition closed, a lorry arrived at the factory with a truly colossal biscuit which weighed 2,400 pounds.
但就在竞赛截止时间将到之际,一辆卡车驶进了工厂,运来了一个特大无比、重达2,400磅的饼干。 |
But just how efficient is the code in this regard?
但遗传密码对这种避险措施的效率究竟有多高呢? |
But just how quickly did the surface of the earth cool after its luminous birth?
然而,地球表面在火焰般的初生之后,究竟冷却得有多快? |
But just how the bones sense this flow of fluid has been an open question, at least until now.
但至于骨骼是怎样感知液体的流动,时至今日还争论不休。 |
But just in case all the potions he drank didn't work, he directed 700,000 men to build his tomb and a surrounding necropolis.
但他又恐世间所有“灵丹妙药”无济于事,于是便派遣70万劳力为自己修建陵寝。 |
But just like it takes work and care to build a fire, and keep it burning, so does a “friendship on fire” takes time and work.
但是,燃起一堆火,并保持它永不熄灭,是需要做出努力和照料的,如此类比,建立婚姻中的“燃烧的友谊”,也同样需要付出时间和努力。 |
But just remember, you should bow imperceptibly lower than he does.
但千万记住,你鞠的躬要略比他低些。 |
But just then, the wind blew Bear's hat off his head.
但是没过多久,风把帽子吹走了。 |