After taking office in January he plans to keep broadcasting his show from Austin, and the capital is primed for drama.
1月份就职以后,他计划在奥斯汀继续他的广播事业,一场好戏就要在州府上演了。 |
After taking out 300 yuan for water, gas, and electricity, 1,000 yuan is what you get back from your deposit.
扣掉水电煤气费300元以后,我要退给你的押金是1000元。 |
After taking out photosensitive seal layer and seal draft that are suitable with the shell of photosensitive seal, user shall expose in the machine to make a seal surface and place it in the shell of photosensitive seal.
取出与章壳相配套的光敏印垫与印稿在光敏机内曝光制出光敏印面,并将其装入与之配套的光敏印壳内。 |
After taking photos for the couple, and before getting into the car, took this photo in haste.
在为新人拍完照后,上车之前匆匆拍下了这张照片。 |
After taking pictures by verified digital camera, the luminosi1 and color information are taken to imitate the effect of urban lighting design, to display the current and future effect of lighting for the scene and thus optimize the urban lighting design
建议了一种新颖的场景仿真方法,即通过已标定好的数码相机拍摄场景后,提取光度和色度信息,对城市照明设计的效果进行仿真,显示被研究场景的现在、将来的照明效果,从而可以进一步优化城市照明设计方案,达到节能和美化城市夜景的目的。 |
After taking some herbal medicine, there is a remarkable recovery and the crazy one becomes extremely intelligent.
吴芝为救好友,两人不惜远赴马来西亚求医,并取得灵丹妙药,石狗公服后霍然而愈,而且变得更为聪敏过人。 |
After taking the D1(D2) from eyepiece micrometer and entering them, the hardness value is displayed on LCD and the data can be printed out.
输入用测微目镜测得的对角线长度,即在LCD上显示硬度值。可打印记录。 |
After taking the D1(D2) from eyepiece micrometer and entering them, the hardness &#118alue is displayed on LCD and the data can be printed out.
输入用测微目镜测得的对角线长度,即在LCD上显示硬度值。可打印记录。 |
After taking the mother's age and education into account, the researchers found that stopping breastfeeding during the six months following childbirth was twice as likely for women who used epidurals compared to those that did not.
考虑到母亲的年龄和受教育程度因素,研究人员发现,应用硬膜外麻醉的妇女在产后6个月内停止母乳喂养的人数是未应用者的两倍。 |
After talking to a career counselor, she realized the problem was that she's an Artistic type.
当她咨询过职业顾问之后,她意识到自己原来是艺术型的。 |
After talking with catcher Jorge Posada and pitching coach Ron Guidry, Wang focused on keeping his arm up and the ball down.
在随后与捕手小波和投手教练古爷爷谈过后,小王就记得要把手抬高把球压低罗! |