He worked all day without having any rest.
他整整干了一天,一点没有休息。 |
He worked all day, leaving his lunch untouched.
他工作了一天,午饭都没动。 |
He worked all summer to save money for the purchase of a piano.
他工作了一整个夏天,为的是存钱买架钢琴。 |
He worked as a copywriter for Volkswagen in DDB Barcelona in 1992, where he learned to respect Bernbach and the power of a good headline.
1992年,他成为了DDB巴塞罗那公司的文案,为大众汽车服务。在那里他学会了尊重大师伯恩巴克,并明白了一条好标题的威力。 |
He worked as a magistrate after graduation.
他毕业后任地方行政长官。 |
He worked deep into the night.
他工作到深夜。 |
He worked extremely hard yet retained his outside interests, notably collecting art, shooting and playing the squire on his country estate.
他工作极其勤奋,可也有自己的业余爱好,特别是艺术品收藏、打猎以及在自己的庄园里度假。 |
He worked for nix.
他工作不取报酬。 |
He worked for one year at Kenwood Vineyards, then became a Wine Maker's assistant at Stellenbosch Farmer's Winery in South Africa.
他早先在肯伍德酒庄工作过一年,后在南非的一家知名酒庄担任酿酒师助理。 |
He worked hard all his life in behalf of the poor.
他毕生为穷苦人的利益而努力不懈。 |
He worked hard and finally made good.
他努力工作最后终于成功了。 |