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At the last his spirit gave way under the strain.

At the king's command they removed from the quarry large blocks of quality stone to provide a foundation of dressed stone for the temple. 17王下令,人就凿出又大又宝贵的石头来,用以立殿的根基。
At the lake, there was a boat waiting for Arthur. The Lady of the Lake was in it. 在湖边,有一只船正等待着亚瑟。湖中仙女站在船上。
At the last Roundtable, I delivered a speech on invitation, underlining the effort made by the Chinese government in protecting intellectual property and gave a briefing on the legal system and concrete work of IPR protection in China. 在上次的圆桌会议上,我应邀发表了演讲,着重谈了中国政府在保护知识产权方面所做的努力,介绍了中国的知识产权法律体系和具体工作情况。
At the last election Mr Hobbs cast off party trammels, and voted the independent ticket. 在上次选举中,霍布斯先生摆脱党派的约束,投他自主的票。
At the last election he abstained (from voting/the vote). 上次选举时他弃权了(没投票).
At the last his spirit gave way under the strain. 在这种打击之下,他终于精神崩溃了。」
At the last minute John backed out and refused to go with us. 在最后的一分钟约翰打了退堂鼓,且拒绝和我们出去。
At the last minute Johnny came out of the blue to catch the pass and score a touchdown. 最后一分钟,乔尼出乎意料的得一球,并持球触地得分。
At the last minute Smith came out of the blue to catch the pass and score a touchdown. 临终场时,史密斯出人意料地跑过来抢到了球而且底线得分。
At the last minute, and without explanation, it was pulled from the air. 在最后的时刻,没有任何解释,它被播出。
At the last minute, rattled as he was, I could see him jumping off the train and scooting back to her. 我觉得,尽管迷糊了,到了最后一分钟他仍有可能跳下车跑回吉乃特身边去。

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