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The miction and sexual function remained normal.
果 会阴肛门控粪功能部分恢复 ,排尿、性功能正常。

The microbicidal effects of monoacylglycerols (MAGs) prepared from glycidol and fatty acids with even-numbered carbons in the chain caprylic (MAG C 8∶0), capric(MAG C 0∶0), -ethylcaproic (MAG Eth-C ∶0) and lauric (MAG C ∶0) -were tested. 以甘油与不同偶数脂肪酸为原料合成了一系列甘油 酸酯(MAGS):甘油一辛酸酯(MAGC8∶0),甘油一癸酸酯(MAGC0∶0),甘油 乙基乙酸单酯(MAGEth C∶0)和甘油一月桂酸酯(MAGC∶0),测定其抑菌效果。 这些材料以乙醇溶液的形式应用于衬里材料上。
The micromagnetics simulation shows that a current-induced Oersted field can lead to the deviation of magnetization from the easy magnetic direction in the free layer and it is one reason for the TMR ratios dependent on applied DC bias voltage. 果表明,奥斯特场使得自由层的磁矩偏离了易磁化方向,这是导致TMR效应依赖直流偏压的一个原因。
The microsatellete analysis in INRA locus of Y chromosome showed there were 7.7% bp allele in this locus, which showed that Nanyang cattle had 7.7% male origin of Bos taurus; Y染色体INRA微卫星分析表明: 0个个体中,具有 bp的等位基因约占总样本7.7%,表明晋南牛具有7.7%的普通牛父系血统;
The microstructure and morphology of SiO aerogels were studied by electron microscopy and Brunauer - Emmett - Teller analysis. 利用电子显微镜和Brunauer-Emmett-Teller法对气凝胶的微观结构和形貌进行了研究。
The microstructure change in the Vickers indent of the Zr- Al-7. Ni-0 Cu-. Ag- metallic glass at room temperature is investigated by transmission electron microscopy. 利用透射电镜研究了ZrAl7.Ni0Cu.Ag非晶合金的Vickers压痕内微观结构的变化.
The miction and sexual function remained normal. 果 会阴肛门控粪功能部分恢复 ,排尿、性功能正常。
The middle colic artery (MCA) stemmed from the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) in 77.8% of the patients with an absence rate of 8.%. 中结肠动脉单独起自肠系膜上动脉者占77·8%,存在副中结肠动脉者占·%,与右结肠动脉共干者7·8%,缺如8·%;
The middle intensity exercise model of rats according as Bedford exercises at the speed of 9. m ? min~(-). 运动组只大鼠依据Bedford建立的大鼠运动模型方案进行运动:跑台坡度为0°,速度为9. m·min~(-)(相当于7%VO_(max))。
The minimae detectable concentration of levofloxacin was 0.0mg·L - .Conclusion This method is simple,accurate and precise,and can be used for study its clinical pharmacokinetics. 平均回收率 99. %± . 8% ,最低检测浓度 0 .0 mg·L-。 结论 本方法简便 ,准确 ,精密度好 ,适用于临床药物动力学研究
The minimum detectable value of sorbic acid is ×0-9 g, coefficient of variation (CV) is 0.8%,recovery rate is 99.8%. 回收率为99.8%; CV(变异系数)为0.8%。
The minority ( 0%) went down to near the pisiform bone and changed into slender, anastomosed with the ulnaris branch of little finger artery. 少数 ( 0 % )降支至豌豆骨附近变为纤细 ,由小指动脉尺侧支上行与之吻合。

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