Although those who advocated to priority of the freedom of press didn't promulgate a decree of press, their thought is the dominant idea on Legislation of Press and Publication in the end of Qing Dynasty and beginning of Republic. |
中文意思: 虽然持优先地位观点者并没有真正颁布一部可以施行的新闻单行法,但是他们所持的观点-对新闻自由的保护要多一些是清末民初新闻立法的主导思想。 |
Although this stop appears similar to the Chandelier Exit the logic is quite a bit different.
尽管两种止损法表面上很像,但其逻辑还是相当有区别的。 |
Although this theoretical model is simplistic and needs to be adapted to specific situations, it does appear to confirm our explanation for why scale-free networks are so ubiquitous in the real world.
虽然这个理论模型过于简化,而且必须依据特定状况进行调整,但似乎对于无尺度网络普遍存在于真实世界的解释,提供了佐证。 |
Although this translation tool has some artificial intelligence, it is still not perfect.
汉译)虽然这件翻译工具有一些人工智能,但是这仍然不完美。 |
Although this two animals are similiar in appearance, they are belong to different kinds.
这两只动物外貌很相似,但他们属于不同的种类. |
Although this view, I can not totally agree, but I can not deny its right.
虽然这种看法我不能完全认同,但我也不否认其正确。 |
Although those who advocated to priority of the freedom of press didn't promulgate a decree of press, their thought is the dominant idea on Legislation of Press and Publication in the end of Qing Dynasty and beginning of Republic.
虽然持优先地位观点者并没有真正颁布一部可以施行的新闻单行法,但是他们所持的观点-对新闻自由的保护要多一些是清末民初新闻立法的主导思想。 |
Although to some she is homely, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
虽然对某些人来说,她不漂亮,但是情人眼中出西施。 |
Although today's complacency is unforgivable, overcoming it will not be easy.
虽然目前的志得意满不可原谅,但要克服绝非易事。 |
Although today's religious leaders may scoff at anyone who does not kowtow to the men at the top of their hierarchy, humble composters can ignore the pressures of religious conformity, and instead hold a grain of pure spiritual truth in the palm of their
尽管当今的宗教领袖们可能会嘲笑那些不向他们所信仰的最高神灵磕头的人,但是谦逊的沤肥分解者们可以漠视遵循宗教法规的压力,而心中紧攥纯洁的真谛。 |
Although today, both fixed and floating rate currencies are used, most exchange is governed by rates set through a “managed float.
虽然现如今同时使用固定和浮动利率,但大多数利率采用固定利率并带有一定的浮动。 |
Although too much randomness can sometimes take away from the fun of the game, adding some random elements will allow the game to feel less linear in terms of game-play.
虽然太多的随机因素有的时候能让游戏失去乐趣,但是加入一些必要的随机因素将让游戏不再是单调的,而是充满游戏乐趣的。 |