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Play with the faucet water jet, as it impinges on a dish.

Play the videotape “The Right Direction” as participants take notes on outlines. 播放录像“正确的方向”,并让听课者记下大纲.
Play therapy is rooted in psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud was the first person who integrated psychotherapy with play. 摘要游戏治疗起源于精神分析,弗洛依德开创了儿童心理治疗与游戏结合之先河。
Play this educational version of Whack a Kenny, each time you need to pick up a different object. 来玩这个具教育意义的扑傻瓜游戏,每次您也要扑不同的物件啊!用最快速度,在三者中选出一个不同。
Play this really delightful game with set of fascinating, difficult levels and so skilful enemies! 来玩玩这个充满迷人布景,困难关卡和强大敌人的令人愉快的游戏吧!
Play up, comrades. 加油啊,同志们!
Play with the faucet water jet, as it impinges on a dish. 打开水龙头,让水落在一个盘上。
Play with your friend against the zombies or make your friend the enemy! 10 devastating weapons and more rooms! 和你的朋友一起对付丧尸.或者和敌人做朋友??10个毁灭性的武以及更多的场景.
Play “house” together with your child to help him learn to get along and interact with others. 陪伴孩子玩扮家家酒的游戏,能让孩子从中学习与人相处及互动的人际关系。
Play-off games always seem to go down to the wire. 加时赛看起来双方比分总是咬得很紧。
Play-parks are becoming, for those who live in cities, the only space where children can spend time outdoors, meet children of their own age and let off steam and energy and their desire to play. 公园好像变成城市小孩唯一可以在外面玩耍、遇到其他同龄小孩、放松紧张心情、能量、满足玩耍欲望的地方。
Play. Have fun. See what you can do. Then come back and read some more. It is the best way to learn. 尽情的玩耍吧,把你看到的付诸行动。然后再继续下面的部分。这是一个非常轻松的学习过程。

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