These findings provide therapists with objective data concerning the pinch strength of the Taiwanese adult's hand for clinical use.
本篇的结果,可供职能治疗师在手部复健方面,作日后病情评与治疗的参考。 |
These findings should be considered in evaluating the risk–benefit ratio of treatment with ergot derivatives.
在评估使用麦角洐生物进行治疗的风险-效益比率时应考虑到这一点。 |
These findings suggest that caloric restriction might have similar effects in humans.
这些发现意味著,限制人类的卡路里摄取量,或许也会有相同的结果。 |
These findings suggest the presence of this follicular hybrid cyst-like hamartoma with differentiation toward different parts of hair follicles.
由这此变化证明了具有毛囊各部分化的毛囊融合囊肿样错构瘤的存在。 |
These findings support the potential usefulness of FDDNP-PET in the development of surrogate markers for future drugs aimed at blocking the amyloid buildup characteristic of Alzheimer's disease and eventually as a diagnostic tool, the researchers said.
这些发现表明,FDDNP-PET对于开发阻止阿病特征性淀粉样蛋白形成的替代标记物,并且最终作为诊断工具,具有重要价值。 |
These findings, the authors conclude, suggest that antidepressant medication may have a role after stroke, regardless of whether or not the individual shows signs of depression.
作者总结认为,这些研究结果提示,无论患者是否显示抑郁症状,抗抑郁治疗对于中风后治疗都可能具有重要作用。 |
These fine impressions will remain forever in our most cherished memories.
这些良好的印象将永远珍藏在我们美好的记忆中。 |
These fine old guns often have a romance clinging to them.
这些优良的古老枪枝往往有一种传奇的气息。 |
These fine works went across the ocean for the exhibitions in the United States and Panama in 1915 and gained international praise, being rewarded with a golden medal.
这幅精品一九一五年曾以产品远涉重洋参展美利坚合众国,巴拿马、万国博览会受到国际人士一致好评,获得金牌奖,载誉而归。 |
These finished products are all the best choice of the jewellery trade, the products sell well in all parts of the world.
这些成品都是珠宝首饰行业的最佳选择,产品畅销世界各地。 |
These finishes reduce the air permeability of pure cotton fabric except for ammonia finish.
通过实测数据得出,除了液氨整理使棉织物透气性上升外,其他整理均有下降。 |