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That dude needs some work, man.

That dress has to go in the laundry. 明天,它就会洗干净,你又可以穿了。
That dress really becomes you. 个那个裙子很合适你。
That drink wine in bowls, and anoint themselves with the chief ointments: but they are not grieved for the affliction of Joseph. 6以大碗喝酒,用上等的油抹身。却不为约瑟的苦难担忧。
That driver needs to get over to his own lane. 那司机得回到他自己的行车道上去。
That driver's trying to overtake. Slow down a bit and let him pull ahead. 那位司机想超车,开慢一点,让他超到前面去。
That dude needs some work, man. 那衰仔总需要工作啊。
That dunk pissed Yao off. I expect rape now. 那个灌篮把姚明惹毛了!期待强奸开始!
That duster is very dirty. 那个掸子很脏。
That duty falls to me, as Commander-in-Chief, by the oath I have sworn, by the oath I will keep. 作为总司令,这一职责落在我的肩上,这既是我发过的誓言,也将是我信守的誓言。
That eccentric man is singing in the park again. 那个怪胎又在公园唱歌了。
That echoed events like the cricket cricket, the total in a corner low to sob. 往事就像那只应声的蛐蛐,总在角落里低低地呜咽.

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