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A small employee payroll program in C++ written for my programming class. Don't expect alot of frills.

A small dainty foot or one down at the pastern are not functional. 小而秀气的脚或者弯曲过大的踝部是没有功能的。
A small dark speck or stain made by the excrement of a fly. 苍蝇斑点苍蝇排泄的小而黑的污点
A small dog is hurling itself at the window, doing a good impression of an enraged guard-dog. 'Watch this,' says Robbie, with a grin. 一只小狗隔着车窗跃跃欲试的样子,就跟一条愤怒的看门大狗一样。
A small door or gate, especially one built into or near a larger one. 小门,边门小门,尤指装在大门上或大门边的一种便门
A small earthenware or metal cooking pot. 小瓦锅,小金属锅一种小的陶制或金属的烧饭菜用锅
A small employee payroll program in C++ written for my programming class. Don't expect alot of frills. 一个小型的雇员薪水册程序,用C++开发,用于我的编程类。
A small fire cannot give much heat. A weak desire can not produce great results. 一团小火不能释放巨大热量。虚弱的愿望也无法产生伟大的结果。
A small fire has been reported in the basement of the building. 报导称,本大楼地下室发生小火灾。
A small firework consisting of some gravel wrapped in tissue paper with a percussion cap that explodes when thrown against a hard surface. 掼炮一种由草纸包住一些砾石制成的小型鞭炮,其打火帽在与坚硬表面撞击时发生爆炸
A small fishing boat was carried miles out to sea by the powerful fish as it pulled on the line. 一条小渔船被一条咬住钩的强壮的大鱼拖到了几英里以外的海面上。
A small fishing-boat was carried miles out to sea by a powerful fish as it pulled on the line. 一条小渔般被一条力气强大的鱼拖着鱼线带数英里以外的海上去了。

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