The Japanese planes took Pearl Harbor by surprise on December 7th, 1941.
日本飞机于1941年12月7日突袭了珍珠港。 |
The Japanese prefer milk chocolate, the Thais go for white chocolate and in Hong Kong and Singapore, dark varieties come out as favorites.
日本人喜爱牛奶巧克力,泰国人对白巧克力情有独钟,而在香港和新加坡,各式黑巧克力则更受欢迎。 |
The Japanese prime minister said the governments will realize in hindsight that they were wrong.
这位日本首相说,中、韩两国政府日后会意识到它们的做法是错误的。 |
The Japanese public also regularly voices its displeasure in opinion polls at continuing to bankroll China when its people are generally hostile to Japan and its astronauts are able to beat their Japanese counterparts into space.
在民意测验中,日本公众也经常对继续为中国提供资金表示不满,因为中国人普遍对日本有敌意,而且中国抢在日本之前把宇航员送上太空。 |
The Japanese quince is invaluable for early spring color when its bright orange-flame flowers stud the bare thorny stems for weeks.
当日本花木瓜(贴梗海棠)明亮的橙色火焰般的花朵点缀在带刺的枝头数周的时候,简直可以说它是早春无价的瑰宝。 |
The Japanese quotation is lower.
日本的报价就比较低。 |
The Japanese quotation is much lower.
日本的报价就比较低。 |
The Japanese quote is lower.
日本的报价就比较低。 |
The Japanese satellite, with a 15-year designed lifespan, will provide TV broadcast and telecommunication service for clients in Japan, Asian-Pacific region and Hawaii, said the Japanese satellite company JSAT.
在星期四的早些时候,一枚携带有日本通讯卫星的俄罗斯火箭在拜科努尔航天发射场发射升空。 |
The Japanese set fire to his house.
日本人烧了他的家。 |
The Japanese should lessen their working hours.
(日本人应该减少工作时数。) |