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Tremolo is no great technique, it's just an effect that every other guy with some discipline and knowledge towards his exercises can get.

Trelawney predicts Lupin will not be with Hogwarts for very long. 特劳妮教授预言卢平不会在霍格沃兹待很久。
Trelawney predicts someone won't be around by Easter. 特劳妮教授预言复活节的时候有人将不再出现。
Trelawney, for example, only made actual Prophecies twice, although she made plenty of claims about everything from troubles ahead for various students to Neville breaking a teacup. 比如说特劳里妮,虽然她声称了很多东西,从每个学生的烦恼到纳威打破了杯子,但实际上,她只作出了两个真正的预言。
Tremble mortals, and despair! Doom has come to this world! 颤抖吧,凡人,绝望吧!末日降临!
Tremendous progress has been made toward ending polio worldwide. 在迈向终结全世界小儿痲痹的目标上,我们已获得重大进展。
Tremolo is no great technique, it's just an effect that every other guy with some discipline and knowledge towards his exercises can get. 颤音不是什么了不起的技巧,它仅仅一种每个人都可以根据一些规则和知识练习并掌握的弹奏效果。
Tremolo is not a technique. It is an effect produced when a certain type of arpeggio is employed. 颤音不是一种技巧,只是某种的琶音的表现形式。
Trend book for active wear and sportswear. Each theme includes-atmospheric collage, colourful styles, graphics, prints and logos. Includes accessories such as bags and caps. 预测休闲装/运动装趋势.每个主题包括灵感图/流行色/印花/图标/款式,以及包和帽子等配饰.
Trend distributions of extreme temperature and extreme precipitation were good agreement with that of mean temperature and mean precipitation in China. 极端温度和极端降水趋势的空间分布与平均温度和平均降水趋势的空间分布一致。
Trend forecast for each of the 3 upcoming seasons concerning colour, material, design, styling for womens, mens and childrenswear. 解释色彩趋势在其他各行业的应用和影响,包括:服装/面料/工业设计/美术设计/包装设计/化妆品/汽车/艺术以及美食等等.
Trends in other commodities also belie a broader slowdown. 其它初级商品的趋势也与更广泛减速的现象不符。

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