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Privately some officials gave some credence to the report, saying it has been assumed Powell was likely to leave after four years.

Private-sector biotech companies in the rich countries carry out much of the leading-edge research on genetically modified crops. 许多转基因作物方面的尖端研究都是富国的私营生物技术公司进行的。
Privateering20 also added to the disorder. 私掠船巡航加剧了这一混乱局面。
Privately Bryant has declared that he will not play another game in a Laker uniform. 当然同时科比也承诺说他是非常不愿意为其他任何一个球队效力的,除了湖人队。
Privately held interest-bearing debt relative to income peaked during World War II, fell through the early 1970s, rose again through the early 1990s, and then fell again until 2003. 相对于国民所得来说民间持有的联邦政府有息国债在二战时期最高,从1970年初开始一路降低,从1990年开始又开始回升,然后直到2003年开始又回落。
Privately operated enterprises must choose organization pattern which suits to their own development in cross country management: the middle and small scale privately operated enterprises generally should choose the organization pattern of colony, the lar 摘要民营企业在跨国经营中要选择适合自身发展的组织模式,中小民营企业一般应选择“集群”组织模式,大型民营企业一般应选择“集团”组织模式,成长起来的现代跨国企业还可以选择“联盟”组织模式。
Privately some officials gave some credence to the report, saying it has been assumed Powell was likely to leave after four years. 私下里一些官员就相信邮报的报告,并表示他们估计鲍威尔很可能在四年后离职。
Privatisation and other economic reforms are impeded by a secretive, Soviet-style bureaucracy. 政府的阴谋和苏维埃式的官僚作风也让私有化与其它经济改革屡屡受阻。
Privatisation meant a field day for robber barons. 私有化意味着是强盗资本家的户外集训。
Privatize the national parks? They'd never dare, would they? 把国家公园私营化? 他们绝对不敢, 对吗?
Privet Drive is in Surrey, which is south of London. 而女贞路在伦敦以南的萨里郡。
Privet Drive is on the outskirts of what I would call a “satellite” town to London. 女贞路是在我把它称之为伦敦的“卫星城”的边缘。

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