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If the extra spatial dimension is curled up into a small enough circle, it will have eluded our best microscopes—that is, the most powerful particle accelerators [see box on opposite page].

If the evening has the class, the dinner isdoes not have the time to eat, all is the others helps casually to buya thing in the sales store to appease hunger. 要是晚上有课,晚饭是没有时间吃的,都是别人帮着在小卖部随便买点东西充饥。
If the example they set is followed widely, Asia will reemerge mightier than before. 如果他们举的例证都是真实的话,那么亚洲的重新崛起将会更加强大。
If the exhaust valve opened at BDC at the beginning of the exhaust stroke and closed at TDC at the end of the exhaust stroke, it would have a duration of 180°. 如果排气门在排气行程的下止点打开并且在这次行程的上止点关闭,它将有180°的持续。
If the experiment calls for measurements in the ultraviolet, the cuvette holder can be optimized to more efficiently transmit ultraviolet light. 如果实验要求在紫外线区域进行度量,那么可以优化小型管固定器使其更有效的传输紫外光。
If the exposed wires contact,we shall have a short circuit. 如果那暴露的电线相互接触,就会发生短路现象。
If the extra spatial dimension is curled up into a small enough circle, it will have eluded our best microscopes—that is, the most powerful particle accelerators [see box on opposite page]. 如果这个额外的空间维度卷曲成足够小的圈圈,那麽物理学家最好的显微镜,也就是威力最强大的粒子加速器,都将无法侦测到它(请见右页的〈管弦交错〉)。
If the factories want to maximize their profits, they can eliminate the middle man. 如果生产企业想获取最大的利润,他们必须得避开中间商。
If the failures of this world could realize how desperate half the present-day geniuses once felt,they would take heart and try again. 世上的失败者若能了解到当今的天才曾经有半数一度感到过多绝望,他们就会振作精神,再次努力。
If the family is the number one institution in Italian life, church will be the next one, with the Caffe rating third place. 在意大利人的生活中,家庭是第一重要的,其次便是教堂,排第三位的是咖啡馆。
If the family of Egypt does not go up or enter, then no rain will fall on them; it will be the plague with which the Lord smites the nations who do not go up to celebrate the Feast of Booths. 亚14:18埃及族若不上来、雨也不降在他们的地上.凡不上来守住棚节的列国人、耶和华也必用这灾攻击他们。
If the father or the mother visits their children to the detriment of their mental and physical health, a people's court shall suspend the right of visit according to law; and such a right shall be restored after the main content of the suspension disappe 父或母探望子女,不利于子女身心健康的,由人民法院依法中止探望的权利;中止的事由消失后,应当恢复探望的权利。

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