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I also found Amanda, alive and unwell.

I also feel hope. That's surprising perhaps for there are many reasons for being in despair. 同时,我也看到了希望!这真是让人惊讶,因为有许多的理由让人对现实绝望。
I also feel so much more vibrant and healthy than I have in quite some time. 我感觉到胸部比以前更加具有活力更加健康。
I also felt grateful to Susan for providing me with the insider\'s tip on how to bond with her son. 我也非常感激苏珊给了我这么一个有用的提示,帮助我和尼古拉斯迅速地亲密起来。
I also felt it was time to do the book. 我同样感觉出书的时间到了。
I also felt the small size was a real advantage. On the weaker side, I did find the noise unpleasant. 我也觉得小尺寸的更好。不好的方面,我认为声音令人不愉快。
I also found Amanda, alive and unwell. 此外我还找到了阿曼达,鲜活而又陌生的阿曼达。
I also found myself looking at China afresh. 我也觉得要重新认识中国.
I also gave you your master's house and your master's wives into your care, and I gave you the house of Israel and Judah; and if that had been too little, I would have added to you many more things like these! 撒下12:8我将你主人的家业赐给你、将你主人的妻交在你怀里、又将以色列和犹大家赐给你.你若还以为不足、我早就加倍的赐给你。
I also give a mailing address. 我一般都告诉他们我的电子邮件地址。
I also had Joel's Social Security number, the keys to the kingdom. 我也得到了约耳的社会安全号码,这可是通往私人王国的钥匙。
I also had the chance to gain some firsthand experience in the medical profession when I volunteered for over a year in the emergency room of a regional hospital. 我主动在一家地区医院的急诊室工作了一年多,这也给我提供了获得第一手医学经验的机会。

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