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The Paralympics are the highest level competitions for the Persons with a disability.

The Pandora's box of biotech is wide open. 生物技术的潘多拉魔盒已经洞开。
The Panel will meet again in mid-September. 环境事务委员会将在九月中旬再次讨论该项目。
The Panic of 1857 begins, setting off one of the most severe economic crises in U.S. history. 1857年的今天,“1857年大恐慌”,成为美国历史上最严重的经济危机之一。
The Pantanal Conservation Complex consists of a cluster of four protected areas with a total area of 187,818 ha. 潘塔奈尔保护区由四个受保护区域构成,总面积187,818公顷。
The Paraguay player hurt his ankle during a training match on Wednesday and his condition will be assessed in the next few days. 这名巴拉圭球员在星期三的训练中,扭伤了自己的脚裸,他的伤势将在未来几天给出确定.
The Paralympics are the highest level competitions for the Persons with a disability. 残疾人奥运会是残疾人最高水平的体育赛事。
The Parana floodplain marsh retains a large amount of nutrients being stored mainly in the sediment compartment. 巴拉那洪泛区湿地保存着大量的营养物,主要储存在沉淀物质里。
The Parent/Teacher conferences will be held 9/22/01 through 10/6/01. This semester the conferences will be held as one-to-one conferences. Please contact your class parent to schedule an appointment for your session. 本学期家长老师座谈会将于9/22~10/6期间以一对一座谈方式进行,请与各班家长代表联络以便安排座谈时间。
The Parents' Day of Chiu Lut Sau Memorial Secondary School fell on 3rd February 2007 (Saturday). 本校已于二零零七年二月三日(星期六)举行家长日。
The Paris declaration hopes to bring a modicum of order to these directionless crop-growers. 巴黎的报告希望能让这些缺乏目的地茫然而为的作物栽培者们做事时有一些条理性。
The Paris metro is considering digging anti-suicide trenches or fitting warning radar in its 380 stations in an effort to reduce the number of people who try to kill themselves on the network. 为了尽可能防止在地铁线路上发生自杀事件,巴黎地铁管理部门目前正在考虑在其所辖的380个车站内采取挖掘防自杀壕沟及安装预警雷达等应对措施。

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