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Abstract: Intelligent pressure transmitter plays an important role in field bus control system.This paper introduces the working principles and applications of LD301 series pressure transmitter.

Abstract: In view with the training target and special characteristics of students from department of professional teacher,and based on many years′ experience in teaching,this paper make an inquiry into teaching methods for the course of field experimenta 文摘:针对职业技术师范生的培养目标及其特点,在多年的教学实践中对田间试验和统计方法课程的教学进行探讨,认为因材施教,突出重点,旨在应用,注重实践,是上好该门课程的关键所在。
Abstract: Incompatible element NH11 and hybrid stress element 18β were employed to analyze rock burst occurring in coal face 9108 of Sanhejian Coal Mine.Compared with the results from ANSYS,the two optimized FEMs can execute more accurate numerical simula 文摘:利用优化非协调元和杂交元分析了三河尖矿冲击矿压,并与ANSYS程序的计算结果进行了比较.认为优化有限元在冲击矿压乃至岩石材料的数值模拟中能给出更为精确的结果,也可减小大型计算中由于人力、机时所限粗分网格产生的误差.分析中,采用了广义平均应力率准则来判断冲击点位置和冲击时刻,所得结论与实际情况吻合.
Abstract: Influences of the changes of the amplitude and space frequenc y of road surface roughness on adhesion ability are simulated and analyzed by me ans of the nonlinear and time-varying tyer model made by the author. 文摘:采用作者建立的非线性时变轮胎模型,仿真分析了路面不平度幅值及路面空间频率变化对地面附着性能的影响。
Abstract: Inhibition mechanisms of sulphate reduction to methane-producing bacteria(MPB) in the process of anaerobic digestion of high-sulphate-content wastewater were described in this paper.They were described mainly by the competition between sulphate- 文摘:本文通过硫酸盐还原菌和产甲烷菌的竞争、硫化物对产甲烷菌的毒害二方面,论述了在高硫酸盐有机废水厌氧处理过程中,硫酸盐还原作用对产甲烷菌活性的抑制机理,同时,介绍了当前高硫酸盐有机废水的厌氧处理工艺。
Abstract: Inspired from the theory of clean room by clean air-condition technol ogy, a new concept for controlling the dust in fully mechanized working face was broug ht forth, and an air curtain was designed. 文摘:受民用建筑大门空气幕的启发,将“洁净空调技术”中的“洁净棚理论”,创新并应用于综采工作面的防尘工程,设计了能阻止采煤机在截煤过程中产生的呼吸性粉尘向司机处扩散的隔尘装置——风帘。
Abstract: Intelligent pressure transmitter plays an important role in field bus control system.This paper introduces the working principles and applications of LD301 series pressure transmitter. 文摘:智能变送器在现场总线控制系统中占很重要的地位,本文介绍了LD301系列压力差压变送器的工作原理及应用。
Abstract: Introduced in the following are the main structure and the main specifications of the hi-speed slot lathing machine for pins.Suggestions are put forth for the feed-in parameters,constant speed lathing,and the lathing parameter for the hard alloy 文摘:介绍了国内研制的织针高速铣槽机的主要结构特点、技术参数,并通过生产使用提出对该机主辅加工进给参数、匀速切削,以及硬质合金刀片切削参数的改进意见,将为国产织针铣槽工艺水平和织针质量的提高产生积极的推动作用。
Abstract: Introduced is the experience in replacing atmosperic riser with thermal-isolation riser and improving pouring system to eliminate shrinkages. 文摘:介绍了用保温冒口代替大气压力冒口,改进浇注系统解决铸件缩孔问题的经验。
Abstract: Introduced the Method of electronic-optical data highspeed acquisition of ultraviolet radiation of solid rocket plume.Online MAW is also discussed. 文摘:详述了固体火箭羽烟紫外辐射的光电高速采集方法,并实时对导弹逼近告警。
Abstract: Introduces a method to eliminate influence of power supply and air-feed system on exact measurement of micro-thrust of electric rocket in the gravity field, so micro-thrust can be measured accuratelg and automatically. 文摘:介绍了在重力场中,消除电火箭自重及其供电供气系统对微小推力测量影响的方法,从而实现电火箭微小推力自动准确的测量。
Abstract: Introduces the ideas of supply chain management into enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, then integrates the cross divisional planning and optimization function of SCM and the strong transactional capability of ERP systems. 文摘:通过对企业管理模式的探讨,在企业资源规划系统的基础上引入了供应链管理的思想,既强调了企业资源规划系统强大的事务处理能力,又重视供应链管理的复杂业务计划和整体优化功能。

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