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There's a possibility that Ruud will go,he said. There have been bits of interest in him, but no one at this moment has reached our asking price.

There'll be no end of trouble if we let them get away! Kill them all!They killed two of the little foxes, but one of them escaped. 要是让它们跑了,以后会有很多麻烦的!把它们全杀了!伙计们杀死了两只小狐狸,但是另一只却逃走了。
There's a dramatic change in driver behavior when red light cameras are used,says Richard Retting, a transportation safety engineer. 交通安全工程师理查?瑞庭表示:「装了闯红灯摄影机后,驾驶人的行为大为改善。」
There's a lot of anger and outrage here,Neal Thapar told The Times of London. 「大家在这里都很生气与愤慨,」尼尔.瑟帕告诉伦敦的泰晤士报说。
There's a lot of babble all the time about sisterhood and a certain set of assumptions about women gravitating toward women, which we've just seen now does not particularly hold. 「总有许多关于姊妹情谊的蠢话,以及关于女人会吸引女人的某种假设,我们现在都看到了,这些根本不成立。」
There's a lot of folklore on this and not a lot of research,Provine said. In rare circumstances laughing can cause narcolepsy or induce asthma attacks. ... 有许多民间传说如是说,但研究并不支持,在极少的情况下,大笑会引起嗜眠发作和哮喘发作,即使这样,也不至于要你的命。
There's a possibility that Ruud will go,he said. There have been bits of interest in him, but no one at this moment has reached our asking price. 弗格森说:“范尼有可能离开。有不少俱乐部对他感兴趣,但是现在还没有一个价格能达到我们的要求。”
There's a tight supply squeeze globally, and that's why we can't get the steel we need. 全球钢材供应短缺,因此我们拿不到我们需要的钢.
There's a whole industry of people who work all winter long on people's boats so that they'll be in shape for their owners to go out and play all summer,said Jeff Holland, director of the Annapolis Maritime Museum. 安纳波利斯海事博物馆馆长杰夫·霍兰德说:这个行业、所有的人整个冬天都在别人的船上工作,这样船只才能做好准备供船主外出游玩一夏天。
There's been a historical tendency for general negativity about dementia and what can be done about it, but that's now out of step with the science,Dr Burke said. 伯克说,“历史上人们普遍对痴呆不抱希望,认为对此无能为力,但现在借助科学的力量,情况已大不相同了。”
There's just smiles and hmmm,he says. 有喝彩的,也有不以为然的。
There's no doubt about it,he broke in. 那是毫无疑问的,他插嘴说。

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