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Through extracting lead and then lead measurement, result has shown that extracting lead by either potassium iodide chelating or iso-Butyl methyl ketone (MIBK) is more feasible in determination of lead in food.

Through explaining the low-fluidity oil-deposit development structure in Zaoyuan oil field, analyzing its reservoir structure and the strong flooding level hole design parameters, meanwhile adopting new techniques such as pouring water by phase control at 摘要对枣园油田低流度油藏开展构造精细解释、相控储层结构分析和强水淹层孔隙结构参数研究,同时在现场采用相控注水、点弱面强、投球调剖和注水吞吐等开发技术进行综合治理和滚动勘探开发并举,实现减缓自然递减和增加可采储量的目的,使该油田综合开发水平由3类上升到1类。
Through explaining the problem that raised in the sludge treatment and disposal municipal sewage treatment plant, and demanding of the soil for flowers in the city and family, we put forward a new way of using the sludge which is made into organic soil fo 摘要通过介绍城市污水处理厂污泥处理及利用中出现的问题,以及城市绿化及家庭养花中花土的需求的问题,提供一种由污泥制造含有生物活性有机花土的污泥利用方法。
Through expounding the theories of price ceiling and yardstick competition of incentive regulation,this paper analyzes on the practice of the regulation for the electric power industries in the west developed countries,and probes into the enlightenment of 通过对激励性规制价格上限和标尺竞争理论的概述,分析了西方发达国家电力产业规制的实践,探讨了激励性设计对我国电力产业的启示。
Through extending the wear plate at the saddle and using the flexible saddle, the circumferential peak stress at the joint of the shell and the saddle can be decreased efficiently. 本文介绍通过鞍座上垫板的伸出和采用柔性鞍座,即能有效地降低鞍座边角处的环向峰值应力。
Through extensive cooperation with industries, community organizations and Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC), we provide top quality career-oriented higher education and training; through our outstanding teaching resources and first-class teaching 通过与企业界、与社区团体以及与加拿大人力资源部的紧密合作,我们用我们优秀的教育资源和一流的教学设施为学生提供无论是在学术上或工作上最大限度的支持。
Through extracting lead and then lead measurement, result has shown that extracting lead by either potassium iodide chelating or iso-Butyl methyl ketone (MIBK) is more feasible in determination of lead in food. 通过萃取、测试、比较,结果表明:碘化钾法中使用的碘化钾和抗坏血酸络合,4-甲基戊酮-2(MIBK)萃取法比较适合食品分析。
Through faith he kept the passover, and the sprinkling of blood, lest he that destroyed the firstborn should touch them. 28他因着信,就守逾越节,(守或作立)行洒血的礼,免得那灭长子的临近以色列人。
Through faith in Jesus as your Saviour, God is willing to forgive your sins. 因为我们信仰耶稣是救世主,神就愿意饶恕我们的罪。
Through farmland improvement and infrastructure construction for many years, it is realized basically that the land is foursquare, cultivation is mechanized, plant protection is specialized and easy service system. 经过多年来的农田改造和基础设施建设,基本实现了土地方整化,耕作机械化,植保专业化,服务系列化。
Through field experiment on various maize hybrids, planting densities and N application rates, hybrid Yedan 12” attained a maximum yield of 9273 kg/ha with a net output value of US$879.0.1 /ha and a ratio of output to input by 3. 1. 通过对不同杂交玉米品种,种植密度和施氮量的大田试验,得到掖单12最高产量9273公斤/公顷,产值879.01美元/公顷和产投比3:1。
Through field investigation and comprehensive analysis, the assessment and further suggestions are made on the slope stability, employing geological analysis and FLAC3D program, etc. 摘要主要通过大量现场调查和综合分析,利用地质分析、FLAC3D软件计算等方法进行分析,对边坡稳定性做出了评价,对进一步探讨其稳定性提出了建议。

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