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Jack had some strange experiences during his military service.

Jack got a low score on the test. 杰克测验得了个低分。
Jack got in trouble because he copied my test. 杰克麻烦大了,因为他考试抄我的。
Jack had a rat; Sam had a cat. 杰克有了一只鼠;山姆有了一只猫。
Jack had a sudden inspiration for a new plan. 杰克突然灵感一来有了新计画。
Jack had no hand in that case. 杰克跟那件事毫无关系。
Jack had some strange experiences during his military service. 杰克在服兵役期间有过一些不寻常的经历。
Jack has a black cat and Pat has a black bag. 杰克有一只黑色的猫,而且帕特有一个黑色的袋子。
Jack has a knack of making friends wherever he goes. 杰克有一种走到哪里都能交到朋友的本事。
Jack has a new girlfriend. 杰克交了新的女朋友。
Jack has been a soldier for some time. 杰克当兵有段时间了。
Jack has began working for only 3 moonths,and lack of experience,so it is difficult for him to complete the task all by himself. 杰克才开始工作了三个月,经验尚不足,所以让他独立完成这项任务是有困难的。

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