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This repetitive behavior is designed to ensure the continuing health of the teeth and gums.

This reminds us of the refreshing water of life from God's Word that sustains us in our pilgrimage. 这使我们想起从神的话语那里来的生命的水,保守我们行在神的道上。
This remote comforting, derived from more primitive primate communication systems, marked the start of motherese, Falk contends. 根据法克的说法,这种「遥抚」源自原始的灵长类沟通系统,却是儿语的演化起点。
This renaissance in defense began in the late 1980’s to early 1990’s, perhaps with the Detroit Pistons who finally slowed down the Showtime Lakers, perhaps with the Pat Riley Knicks who rotated incessantly, or perhaps with Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippe 防守战术的复兴始于20世纪80年代末和90年代初,也许是由于最终结束了“表演时刻”湖人的活塞队,也是由于不断轮转(防守)的帕特莱利的尼克斯队,或者也许由于迈克尔乔丹和斯克特皮彭用他们自己的方式令人郁闷地防守得分手,而多次赢得冠军。
This renaissance is beginning now, when people least expect it, when people see only decadence and sterility. 这次复兴正在开始,它开始在人们最不能预料的时候,它开始在人们只看到衰朽和停滞的时候。
This renal cell carcinoma demonstrates distortion and displacement of the renal parenchyma by the tumor mass in the lower pole. 下面的巨大肿瘤块压迫肾实质,使其发生了扭曲变形。
This repetitive behavior is designed to ensure the continuing health of the teeth and gums. 这样可以确保牙齿和牙龈的长期健康。
This replaces all repeated spaces, newlines and tabs with a single space, or with a supplied string. 用一个空格或一个给定字符替换所有重复空格,换行和制表符.
This report also reviews the anatomic and technical access to the kidney and reminds the urologist about this rare but serious complication of PCNL. 本文并回顾经皮肾造廔时,肾脏的相关构造位置以及经皮肾造廔手术的技巧,并提醒泌尿科医师这个罕见但严重的并发症。
This report analysed and summarized the experiences of anesthesia management of resection on huge abdomenal and pelvic tumor in 86 cases in gynecology. 目的分析总结86例妇科巨大盆腹腔肿瘤患者的麻醉管理,显示患者并发症。
This report concerns a 20-year-old male admitted due to slipping-down injury with gross hematuria and acute urinary retention. 摘要肾因性尿崩症合并两侧非阻塞性肾水肿的病例并不多见。
This report discusses human settlement characteristics of two villages of Zhang Guying and Huang Niwan by analyzing its site repair, space pattern, decorative art and livelihood culture, and so on, paints out the origin relations between the two human set 该文通过对张谷英和黄泥湾两个古村落在选址、空间布局、装饰艺术以及家族文化等人居环境的分析,指出其村落的人居环地特色及其与中国传统建筑文化的渊源关系,揭示出两个古村落与我国传统建筑在人居环境文化上的有机统一。

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