The only way to have a friend is to be one.
唯一获得朋友的办法就是自己先有友道。 |
The only way to keep on top of things, the only way to have any hope for a modicum of reliability, is to get rid of unnecessary complexity and tame the remaining complexity through all means possible.
如果要想保持对它们的控制,或者说还希望哪怕有一点点可靠性的话,唯一的办法就是剔除没必要复杂的部分,而想尽办法保持对其余部分的复杂性控制。 |
The only way to keep track of what generation a lone is. See 4 dots mean she's been cloned 4 times.
这是了解一个克隆是第几代的惟一方法。这四个点表示她已经被克隆过四次了。 |
The only way to learn a new programming language is by writing programs in it.
学习一门新编程语言的唯一方法就是用它来写程序。 |
The only way to make an accurate determination of which component needs adjustment is to carry out diagnostic tests, and these tests can only be done by Canon Factory Service technicians or qualified independent service outlets who have been trained and a
哪个部件需要调整只能通过诊断测试来准确的确定,并且只能由佳能工厂维修技术人员或经过佳能培训和受权的有资格的第三方服务机构进行,此第三方服务机构只能承担佳能指定型号EOS数码单反相机和EF镜头。 |
The only way to open the box is to drill it open.
唯一打开的办法就是钻开箱了。 |
The only way to prevent a catastrophe was to get more as quickly as possible.
防止这样一个突如其来的大灾难的唯一方式就是尽快地获得更多的疫苗. |
The only way to resolve whether marijuana has useful medical properties is to test it.
解决大麻是否具有有效医用特性这一问题唯一的办法就是试验。 |
The only way to save them is to hit a switch that will turn the trolley onto an alternate set of tracks where it will kill one person instead of five.
拯救这五个人的唯一办法,是把这个大胖子推下天桥,电车将他撞死后就会停下来。 |
The only way we designers and developers can help the web achieve this noble goal is by authoring to these recommendations, while taking care to ensure that the sites still work as best they can in non–compliant browsers.
目前设计者和开发人员所能做的应该是朝这个理想的目标发展,并尽可能的保证这些站依然能在那些非标准的浏览器(就是对标准支持性不太理想的)上正常地工作。 |
The only way will be to develop Social Systems Engineering.
惟有发展社会系统工程才是不二法门。 |