Stamens 4, distinct; pistillate ca. 1 cm, densely pilose.
雄蕊4,离生;雌蕊长约1厘米,密被长柔毛。 |
Stamford Bridge officials were frantically attempting to resolve the issue last night.
昨夜斯坦福桥的官员们正为了解决这个问题疯狂地努力着。 |
Stamford Bridge plays home to the most talented squad with the deepest reserves in the English top flight, but Roman Abramovich's millions have created something of a double edged sword with full internationals often left to fret on the bench.
斯坦福桥场上队员才华横溢,替补阵容无比强大,可阿布的金钱是柄双刃剑,将众多国脚级的球员放到板凳上会使他们烦躁。 |
Stamina :- Unlike a feral druid we get no boost to our healthpool making stamina even more important for us to offset that weakness.
耐力:与熊德不同,鸟德没有额外血量,因此需要足够的耐力。 |
Stamina: affects same like any other player. Goalkeepers don't run fast, but still get tired of flying to get balls.
耐力:和其他所有球员的能力影响一样。如果耐力不够,飞身侧扑就会搞得门将很疲惫。 |
Stammer: Craps like a bunny.
结巴:拉兔子屎。 |
Stammering in many cases begins between the ages of three and five.
在很多案例中,口吃开始于3到5岁之间。 |
Stamp Duty:
印花税: |
Stamp collection is one of my hobbies.
我的一个爱好就是集邮. |
Stamp “paid” on all paid documents to avoid duplicate payments.
在所有已付的单据上加盖“付讫”章,以避免重复付款。 |
Stamp-collecting is one of his favorite pursuits.
他的爱好之一是集邮。 |