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Back-to-back defeats made him sad.
连续的失败使他很 伤心。

Back when I was still in middle school I befriendeda chubby Chinese boy named ZhuXiaoMeng. 追溯到我还在念中学的时候,我和一个胖胖的中国男孩交上了朋友,他的名字叫做朱小孟(音译)。
Back when the Amway business I co-founded was starting to take off, our aerosol-manufacturing plant burned to the ground. 回想当初我参与创办的安利事业刚刚起步的时候,我们的气雾剂生产工厂被大火夷为平地。
Back your purpose with a burning desire.Fan that desire;coax it;let it become the dominating thought in your mind. 用强烈欲望作为达成目标的后盾,使欲望变得狂热,让它成为你脑子中最重要的一件事。
Back-door listing:A method of listing a business on the stock market without going through an IPO. 买壳上市:不通过首次公开发行的上市方法。
Back-to-back bombings near the Pakistan-American Cultural Center have rattled Pakistan's port city of Karachi. 在卡拉奇巴美文化中心附近发生的连续爆炸,打破了巴基斯坦这个港口城市的平静。
Back-to-back defeats made him sad. 连续的失败使他很 伤心。
Back-to-back eight-strikeout games preceded a 13-strikeout gem over seven shutout innings April 29. 连续两场八次三振的比赛超越了他四月十九日七局十三次三振的纪录。
Back-to-back threes from Finley and Manu Ginobili put the Jazz down by 23 and the rout was on. 芬利和吉诺比利连续两个三分让马刺以23分的优势压制着爵士,爵士开始溃败。
Back-up disinfection system is available for all primary systems. 所有最主要的系统有备用的消毒系统。
Back: The back is short, straight and muscular and firmly connects the withers to the hindquarters. 背:背短、直、且肌肉发达。稳固地连接肩和后躯。
Back: The back is straight and strong, with a level topline from withers to croup. 后躯:后躯直并且强壮,拥有从肩部到臀部水平的背线。

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