Moreover, these amnesics lose the ability to estimate the passage of time accurately at the scale of hours, months, years and decades.
而且,不论是在时、月、年或10年等各种时间尺度,这些失忆者也都无法准确估计时间经过的长短。 |
Moreover, these food-for-grooming deals were partner-specific—that is, May's tolerance benefited Socko, the one who had groomed her, but no one else.
而且,这些以食物报答理毛的交易,只发生在特定夥伴之间──就是说,由于萨可为梅伊服务过,因此梅伊会容忍萨可的乞食行为,让萨可分享食物,而不会推爱,泽被牠者。 |
Moreover, these young singers will sing the The Variation Little Starin jazz version and vocally perform the Symphony 40.
不仅如此,这群年轻歌手,更将重新翻唱爵士版《小星星变奏曲》以及人声演出《第四十号交响曲》。 |
Moreover, they are completely reliable, since tidal power comes from the constant pull of the Moon which tugs the tide up or down every 12 hours.
此外,它们是完全可靠的,因为潮汐能来自月球恒定的引力,月球每12小时吸引潮水涨或落一次。 |
Moreover, they are credited with the creation of a new style of entrepreneurship and the resulting dot.com boom.
而且,新型企业家的产生和随之出现的“网络公司”潮被认为是拜其所赐。 |
Moreover, they assert, European traditions remain central to American culture and institutions.
此外,他们断言欧洲的传统仍然是美国文化和风俗的中心。 |
Moreover, they had special experiences of female: overcome difficulties, such as menstrual cycle, period of pregnancy and give birth to a child.
但是也有作为女性的特殊感受:克服“三期”(经期、孕期、生产哺乳期)的特殊困难。 |
Moreover, they invoke those most American of qualities, greed and power, and call for the immediate Westernization of Yi so he can get what he, or his reps, want.
此外,他们还让那些最地道的美国人的人想起地位,贪婪和权力,呼唤易建联马上西化,这样他和他的团队就能想要什么就有什么。 |
Moreover, they kept reporting to me his good deeds and then telling him what I said. And Tobiah sent letters to intimidate me.
19他们常在我面前说多比雅的善行,也将我的话传与他。多比雅又常寄信来,要叫我惧怕。 |
Moreover, they may not be tracking their chosen market segments as closely as investors think.
而且,它们可能并不像投资者想的那样紧盯选定的市场部门。 |
Moreover, this dramatic development of cross cultural creative interpretationof Yellow Peril discourse still has lasting impact on the modern Chinese consciousness in terms of the construction of collective national identity.
这样的「黄祸」形象,不仅是在晚清时期强化自我集体意識;即使在当代,依然持续对于中国人的集体想像有著深远的影响。 |