When the sound becomes weak or distorted, replace all batteries with new ones.
当声音变弱或失真时,请全部换成新电池。 |
When the sounds of whistle for urgent gathering from Jiang Jun was heart at 2:00, I was in dream, Jiang Jiu announced that night traversing started, the total time for picking up tents and traversing was achievement for race.
当将军凌晨两点的紧急结合的哨声响起的时,我正在美梦中挣扎,将军宣布夜间穿越开始,现在就开始计时,每个队收拾帐篷的时间和穿越的时间之和就是比赛的成绩。 |
When the source language and target language have the same of similar symbolic relations, the literal translation can be adopted, and vice verse.
当原语和译语的符号关系相同或相似时,这时可运用直译方法进行翻译;反之则要采用意译法进行翻译。 |
When the southwesterly (northeasterly) moisture flux over southern China and its vicinity increased, then more (less) water vapor was transported from the low latitudes to the atmosphere over southern China, which resulted in strong (weak) atmospheric moi
华南中东部以及广西北音队湖南西部-贵州东部地区水汽汇的强度异常与东亚上空水汽输送异常导致上述地区垂直积分的水汽通量辐合的异常密切相关,当中国南方上空有西南(东北)风水汽通量距平,即西南风水汽输送增强(减弱)时,则上述地区上空的水汽汇偏强(偏弱)。 |
When the speed of milling attains five to ten times the norm, the process becomes extremely complicated.
当铣削速度提高到常规速度的5~10倍后,铣削过程将变得十分复杂。 |
When the spell was interrupted, Illidan began his usual protests of innocence and self-justification, but Maiev would hear none of it.
当他的魔法被打断时,伊利丹又开始了他的抗议和对自身清白的辩护,但是玛维根本听不进去。 |
When the spiritual intelligence which stands alone and freed from objects, reflects itself in the mind stuff, then comes awareness of the Self.
唯此独一无二之智慧从物相中解脱出来,返观自照于灵性本体则得见自我。 |
When the sprocket or pulley shaft installed in the effort, Chain / conveyor belt transmission mode can be intermittently Transmission Pipeline - automated machinery.
当链轮或皮带轮安装在出力轴上时,链/皮带传动的输送方式可间歇地传动流水线式的自动化机器。 |
When the stadium is finished, Kasten says it will be state of the art.
卡斯滕称,球场建成之后将充满艺术感。 |
When the star exhausts its usable fuel, it abruptly loses the constant struggle to hold up its own weight.
当恒星耗尽了可使用的燃料时,它会突然失去用以支撑它本身重量的惯有力量。 |
When the stars step onto the red carpet, they set the international standard for fashion and make style history.
当明星们踏上红地毯的时候,他们设定了最新的国际时尚标准,也创造着全新的时尚历史。 |