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An eye for an eye, and we all go blind.

An extremely unpleasant or painful condition or place. 逆境极其不舒服或痛苦的境地或地方
An extremist group with ties to al-Qaida is warning Pope Benedict that he and the West are doomed. 据传与本拉登有关极端恐怖团伙,警告罗马主教说他和西方国家都要灭亡。
An exuberant synthesis of animation and music. 动画与音乐的完美组合。
An exuberant, nippy puppy. 一只精力旺盛,受咬人的小狗
An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. 以眼还眼,以牙还牙。
An eye for an eye, and we all go blind. 以牙还牙,两败俱伤。(以眼还眼,使我们全都瞎眼。)
An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind. 以眼还眼只会让世界最终盲目。
An eye or eyeball. 眼睛或眼球
An eye-catching creature like you will feel right at home in Vegas, Los Angeles or Monaco. 只有像拉斯维加斯、洛杉机或摩纳哥这样的贵族城市才会让你有宾至如归的感觉。
An eye-catching four-way summit was wrapped up at this Red Sea resort on Monday evening with participants taking steps towards the resumption of Mideast peace process. 埃及总统穆巴拉克与约旦国王阿卜杜拉、巴民族权力机构主席阿巴斯和以色列总理奥尔默特各代表一方参加会议。
An eyewitness reported seeing the 34-year-old bite the Labrador and kick tt repeatedly at a shopping mall in Edinburghon Feb. 8, a spokesman for Lothian and Borders Police said. 一名目击证人报案说,看见这名三十四岁男子二月八日在爱丁堡的一间购物商场咬这只拉布拉多犬,并且不断地踢牠,洛锡安与边界区警方的一名女发言人说。

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