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When a person joins a contest and win a trophy, this is a prize.

When a person from Hong Kong or Macaw who engages in the private business in the Mainland suspends or shuts down his businesses, he shall cancel the employment permit at the organ that originally issued the permit within 30 working days upon the suspensio 在内地从事个体工商经营的香港、澳门人员歇业或者停止经营的,应当在歇业或者停止经营之日起30日内到颁发该证的劳动保障行政部门办理就业证注销手续。
When a person had enough power, he may become too fond of the right to pursue the expedient and obsolete his original traits, which helped him success. 一旦人们得到了足够的力量,他们就会过分追求权力而不择手段甚至不惜舍弃曾经伴随着他们成功的那些心中的品质。)
When a person is busy, I will not bother him with matters. When a person's mind is not at ease, I will not bother him with words. 当别人正在忙,不要用事去打搅他。当别人的心正感到不安,不要用话去打扰他。
When a person is injured, maimed or killed in forest fire fighting, if he is an state employee, the medical fees and pension shall be provided by his employer; if he is not a state employee, the organization that causes the fire shall provide the medical (四)因扑救森林火灾负伤、致残、牺牲的,国家职工由所在单位给予医疗、抚恤,非国家职工由起火单位按照国务院有关主管部门的规定给予医疗、抚恤、起火单位对起火没有责任或者确实无力负担的,由当地人民政府给予医疗、抚恤。
When a person is not tormented by the fixation to an idea. This person is happy. 当一个人不再对一个观念所执着的话,这个人就是快乐的。
When a person joins a contest and win a trophy, this is a prize. 当一个人参加竞赛,嬴得了锦标,这是奖品。
When a person shears her feelings freely and openly like this, you might say she wears her heart on her sleeve or on her clothing. 当一个人像这样自由敞开地分享他的感情,可以说,她对她的心在她的衣袖。
When a person writes, he must organize his mind to express his ideas and feelings more logically. 当一个人写信的时候,他必须组织他的思路更有逻辑性的来表达他的思想和感觉。
When a person's doesing not love you has to be left you, you have to ask an oneself and still love and don't love him, if you also don't love him, never for the sake of pitiful self-respect but be not willing to leave;If you still love him, you should hop 当一个人不爱你要离开你,你要问自己还爱不爱他,如果你也不爱他了,千万别为了可怜的自尊而不肯离开;如果你还爱他,你应该会希望他过得幸福快乐,希望他跟真正爱的人在一起,绝不会阻止,你要是阻止他得到真正的幸福,就表示你已经不爱他了,而如果你不爱他,你又有什么资格指责他变心呢?
When a persons turn old,he tends to put on weight. 人们上了岁数就容易发胖.
When a philandering hotel guest loses his wedding ring at a local brothel, Mike agrees to help him find it by investigating the establishment. 一名桃色酒店客人在一色情场所遗失了结婚戒指,米克义不容辞替他找寻失物。

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