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The two gossips,when coming together,would tittle-tattle to the slander of others.

The two girls told each other confidences about their boyfriends. 这两个姑娘相互谈了关于各自男友的悄悄话。
The two girls, Li Xudan and Yao Di, outshone a pool of applicants in the acting contest. 李旭丹和姚笛两位女孩在表演大赛脱莹而出。
The two go hand-in-hand. 这两个方面是相辅相成的。
The two go together very well because...humanism provides the values that naturalism lacks, and religious naturalism provides the religious and spiritual aspect that humanism has lacked. 两者相辅相成,因为人本主义提供自然主义所缺乏的价值观,而宗教自然主义则补充人本主义缺少的宗教及灵性层面。
The two good friends in the same age went to the fitness centre in Seoul after SSH's discharge from army. 同年龄朋友的二人在宋承宪退伍之后,在首尔,新寺洞的健身中心一起运动友情深厚。
The two gossips,when coming together,would tittle-tattle to the slander of others. 那两个长舌妇,碰到一起时总要喋喋不休地诽谤别人。
The two governments are also exploring the use of radio frequency identity tags to trace livestock imports. 两地政府还开始研究使用无线射频标识,跟踪家畜的进口。
The two greatest moral philosophers of ancient China, Lao-tzu and Confucius, thought in very different ways. 中国古代最伟大的两位哲学家是老子和孔子,他们的思想完全不同。
The two groups had a face-to-face discussion. 两组进行了面对面的讨论。
The two groups had many divisive problems. 这两个组存在许多意见不一致的问题。
The two groups had similar selenium levels at the beginning of the study, but after nine months levels were higher in the group taking the capsules containing the mineral. 研究开始前两组病人硒水平相似。但是9个月之后第一组病人硒水平较高。

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