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His portrait (was) hung above the fireplace .

His poor handwriting can not be read by himself. 他糟糕的笔迹无法被他本人所辨认。
His poor sight is a hangover from a bad illness he had. 他视力不好是他生了一场大病留下的后遗症。
His popularity among working people remains as strong as ever. 他在劳动人民中一如既往声望很高。
His popularity had plummeted to an all-time low. 他的声望摔落下来,到有史以来的低点。
His portfolio contain share in the major oil company. 他的股票包括大石油公司的股票。
His portrait (was) hung above the fireplace . 他的肖像挂在壁炉的上方.
His portrait (was) hung above the fireplace. 他的肖像挂在壁炉的上方.
His portrait of their remarkable resilience in the face of oppression is likely to make his book another well-deserved bestseller. 他准确地勾勒出女性在压迫之下非凡的达观,很可能令本书再度成为好评如潮的畅销之作。
His portrait was mounted in the fancy frame. 他的肖像用一个很别致的框裱起来。
His position is inferior to hers. 他的地位比她低。
His position was not much better than mine and I knew that he was uneasy and insecure; he had always treated me in an offhand, bantering way that barely concealed his contempt. 他的处境比起我的不是更好的,而且我知道他是不安的和害怕的,他总是用一种不敬的玩笑的态度来对待我,那无疑暴露了他的轻蔑。

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