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Thus thou calledst to remembrance the lewdness of thy youth, in bruising thy teats by the Egyptians for the paps of thy youth.

Thus this paper analyzes how a corporate manages its social responsiveness. 本文介绍和分析了企业如何进行社会回应管理。
Thus this paper, by reviewing Sun's Elitism's effects on Chinese political party politics' development, policy-making and implement, reveals the functions of Elitism in the transformation of latter-day Chinese politics, which is convenient for us to grasp 文章通过考察孙中山的精英主义思想时中国政党政治的发展以及政治政策的制定、实施等方面的影响,揭示精英主义在中国近代政治变迁历程中的历史作用,这有利于我们全面地、系统地、客观地理解和把握孙中山的精英主义思想。
Thus this specification is a definition of the syntax and semantics of the XSLT namespace. 因些本规范是一个XSLT命名空间的语法和语义的定义。
Thus this specification is a definition of the syntax and semantics of the XSLT namespace。 本文档定义了“XSLT命名空间”的语法和语义。
Thus this stage is also described in alchemical texts as the blackening, the nigredo experience, and it is often pictured as a death process, as in the caput mortuum, the deaths head, or as some alchemical illustrations show, the alchemist dying within a 因此,这个阶段在炼金术文献里面也描绘成致黑,黑斑蚧的体验,也经常被描绘成死亡的进程,就像在大量的通知猎物已死的号角声一样,死亡的头,或者就像一些炼金术图像所表示,炼金术士在长颈瓶内的死亡。
Thus thou calledst to remembrance the lewdness of thy youth, in bruising thy teats by the Egyptians for the paps of thy youth. 21这样,你就想起你幼年的淫行。那时,埃及人拥抱你的怀,抚摸你的乳。
Thus to foster discernment, you can't simply stick to pre-set directions in your meditation. 因此,爲了培养明辨,你在禅定中不能只固守既定的指南。
Thus was Midian subdued before the children of Israel, so that they lifted up their heads no more. 28这样,米甸人被以色列人制伏了,不敢再抬头。
Thus was born a peculiar music, music that was the incarnation of strength and integrity. 因而出生奇怪音乐,是力量和正直的化身的音乐。
Thus was coined the phrase every knock is one step closer to home. 但是,每撞击一次就意味着他们离自己的家更近一步了。
Thus was the world created. 宇宙就是这样被创造出来。

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