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Figures 3, 4, and 5 are provided as reference drawings for the 120/240v 2-wire models only. Always reference the wiring diagram located on the water heater for the correct electrical connections.

Figure out what you are very good at doing - delegate or outsource the rest. 确定你最善于做的是什么——将其它事交给别人做。
Figure shows a list of applicable commands. 图展示了一连串可被利用的命令。
Figure table, the table shows the average annual cost of international students studying at master degree (US $) in three different countries in 1993. 三个柱状图,分析5个欧洲国家的交通,分别是国家的投人,在交通上的花销,还有上下班时在路上花费时间的多少。
Figures 1, 2. 21-22 weeks: unilocular, mid-line, cystic lesion. 图1、2孕21-22周:单房的位于中线处的囊性病变。
Figures 13, 14. Postnatal appearance of the baby with prominent cyst at a leel of upper abdomen. 图13、14婴儿的产后表现,可见上腹部水平的凸起囊肿。
Figures 3, 4, and 5 are provided as reference drawings for the 120/240v 2-wire models only. Always reference the wiring diagram located on the water heater for the correct electrical connections. 图3,4和5仅仅为120/240伏、2线型号提供参考接线图。为了正确进行电气连接,请随时注意参考位于热水器上的接线图。
Figures 3and 4show the end and middle climbers rigged for travel on a three-person rope team. 步骤3和步骤4表明在三人绳队中,第二和第三人是怎样操作的。
Figures at the Congolese ministry of mines say that monthly export of copper and cobalt range from 5,500 to 9,000 tonnes. 刚果矿业部的统计数字说每月出口的铜矿和钴矿为5500吨到9000吨。
Figures from the Ministry of Information Industry show China had 449 million mobile phone users by last month, 56 million more than that of the end of last year. 据信息产业部的有关数据显示,截至上个月,我国的手机用户数量达到4.49亿,比去年年底增加了5600万。
Figures in the table indicate that traffic accidents may ebb and flow. 表中的数字表明,交通事故有起有伏.
Figures may be inline with the text or placed at the end of the document (though inline would be preferred). 图片可以嵌入本文中也可以附在报告的最后(虽然我比较偏好前者)。

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