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Marine: What the hell is that?

Marine: Iron Hand, we have a problem. It appears to be capable of near instant regeneration of component sections. I think we need to simultaneous destroy all segements. 陆战队员:“铁拳,我们发现一个问题。它有立即再生附近残体的能力。我想我们必须同时消灭它的各个部分。”
Marine: Wilco, over and out. 陆战队员:“照办,完毕。”
Marine: I thought Residence 41 was a nuclear silo, couldn't we just use those facilities? 玛润:41号是个导弹井,我们不能直接用那些设施吗?
Marine: Its going to be hard to take it down, can you airdrop us anything? 陆战队员:“很难打败他们,你们能空投一些物资么?随便什么!
Marine: Then shouldn't we scrap the nukes to prevent accidental detonation? 玛润:那我们不是应该拆除那些核弹以免意外爆炸么?
Marine: What the hell is that? 玛润:窝糙?咋回事儿?
Marine: Would you like some fries with that, bitch? 玛润:狗娘养的,喂你吃点薯条!
Marines and 139 terrorists were killed during the operation that was aimed at establishing a permanent Iraqi Army security presence in the region and improving conditions before December 15 elections. 行动的目的是让伊拉克军队可以永久性地监控这一地区的安全并在12月15号的选举之前改善当地的局势。
Marines and aid workers from China, Malaysia and Japan. 来自印尼其它地方的紧急救援物资也送抵爪哇。
Marines from Fox.Co.2nd Battalion 1st Marines detain Iraqi man for questioning to ascertain his whereabouts of insurgents. 美军扣留了一个伊拉克人来询问其是否知道起义军的下落。
Marines kicking down doors and murdering men, women and children in their pyjamas: nothing could better reinforce the caricature of trigger-happy superpowerdom on the rampage. 海军陆战队员们踹开门板,对穿着睡衣的男人、女人和小孩们大开杀戒:没有什么比这一幕能更好的讽刺狂暴好战的超级霸权了。

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