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The right of hot pursuit provided for in this Article shall be exercised by ships or aircraft of the People's Republic of China for military purposes, or by ships or aircraft on government service authorized by the Government of the People's Republic of C

The right mix of verticals can lead to faster growth and definitive monetization. 垂直网站的正确混搭能帮助网站更加快速的增长和赚钱。
The right not to have their divine souls stuffed with gossip, nonsense, vain talk. 它意味着我们高尚的灵魂不必被那些废话和空谈充斥。
The right note at the wrong time is a wrong note (and vice-versa). 一个对的音吹在错误的拍子上就是一个错误的音(反之亦然)。
The right of a proprietor to ownership of such addition or increase. 财产自然增益权物主拥有这些增加价值的权力
The right of common shareholders to vote for the election of officers of a corporation as well as on other issues regarding its operations. 表决权普通股股东就公司管理人员选举和其它事项表决的权利。
The right of hot pursuit provided for in this Article shall be exercised by ships or aircraft of the People's Republic of China for military purposes, or by ships or aircraft on government service authorized by the Government of the People's Republic of C 本条规定的紧追权由中华人民共和国军用船舶、军用航空器或者中华人民共和国政府授权的招待政府公各的船舶、航空器行使。
The right of individuals to appeal to a higher court is provided for in the constitution. 个人可向上级法院提出上诉,这是宪法所赋予的权利.
The right of legislation belongs to the Congress in the U.S.A. 美国的立法权属于国会.
The right of life is freedom in essence, that is, individual can arrange life and death in self-determination, and empower Dr to assistant him to euthanasia. 生命权的本质是自由权,也就是个人自主安排自己生死的权利,这种权利可以授权医生协助其安乐死。
The right of petition is one of the basic democratic legal right granted to citizens. 申诉权,是我国法律赋予公民的基本的民主权利之一。
The right of revocation relates to the consensual characteristic of donation contract closely, and it is the remedy to relieve the burden of the donator after the conclusion of contract. 赠与人的任意撤回权与赠与合同的诺成性故关,是旨在弥补赠与被立法确认为诺成合同后对赠与人要求过苛的弊端而设计的救济性手段。

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