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Barber: It isn't that. Sometimes I snip off a bit of a customer's ear.

Barbaric customs still prevail in the mountainous area. 野蛮的习俗仍流行于这一山区。
Barbaro is on the mend. 巴巴拉正在恢复健康。
Barbauld, Anna Laetitia. The Rights of Woman.In The Norton Anthology of Poetry. 4th ed. Edited by Margaret Ferguson, Mary Jo Salter, and Jon Stallworthy. New York: Norton, 1996. 安娜·莱提提尔·巴波尔德,《女权》。选自《诺顿诗选》(第四版)。玛格利特·福厄格森,玛丽·乔·索尔特,琼·斯特尔乌俄斯编辑。纽约:诺顿出版社,1996版。
Barbed wire barricades erected by police prevented the protesters from approaching the presidentialcomplex. 台北警方架起带刺铁丝网,阻止抗议者们接近总统办公地。
Barber, and Odean. All that Glitters: The Effect of Attention and News on the Buying Behavior of Individual and Institutional Investors.(PDF) See other papers. 闪亮的东西:注意的影响关于个体投资者和机构投资者购买行为的报导〉(PDF)参考其它论文.
Barber: It isn't that. Sometimes I snip off a bit of a customer's ear. 理发师:不是这么会事,而是因为我常常会剪掉客人们一点耳朵什么的。
Barber:How do you want it,sir? 理发师:先生您打算要什么发型?
Barbera died of natural causes at home with his wife Sheila. He is also survived by three children from a previous marriage. 巴伯拉在家中自然死亡,临终时有妻子希拉和前妻留下的3个孩子陪伴。
Barbie the bodacious plastic babe who became a role model for millions of little girls, setting an impossible standard for beauty and stylemakes the list at number 43. 风靡全球的塑料芭比娃娃位居排行榜第43位,它是无数小女孩心中所向往的“美丽和时尚”的典范。
Barbie has had more than 80 careers, ranging from doctor and scientist to soldier and president. 芭比有八十多种职业,从医生、科学家,到军人和总统都有。
Barbie survived and was in Children's Ho ital of Philadelphia recovering from shoulder, hand and leg injuries. 芭比最终幸免于难,但现在还在费城儿童医院接受肩部、手部和腿部的治疗。

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