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As the neighborhood around the park improved, more and more people were able to adopt healthy pedestrian habits and live in racially diverse neighborhoods that combine residential with retail and commercial.

As the name implies, a functional test simulates an operating environment and tests a board against its functional specification. 正如名字所暗示的那样,功能测试模拟运行环境,与它的功能说明相对比来测试。
As the name implies, the neutralino has zero charge, so it is unaffected by electromagnetic forces (such as those involving light). 从中性伴子的命名可知,它的电荷为零,因而它不会受到电磁力(比如光)的影响。
As the name of the disease suggests, affected deer lose weight over the course of weeks or months. 1967年,慢性消耗病的首次发病记录即发生在他们的黑尾鹿身上(黑尾鹿是美国西部最普遍的鹿种)。
As the nation's health care costs soar ever skyward, the competition from low-priced generics adds essential ballast. 随著美国对医疗卫生的支出水涨船高,低价的学名药带来的竞争起了制衡的作用。
As the nature reserve is located at a transitional area of tropical south to subtropical Ynnnan, many tropical plants reach up their northern limit of distribution here. 在云南南部,从热带亚洲植物区系到东亚植物区系的过渡与转变,显然发生在思茅莱阳河地区以北。
As the neighborhood around the park improved, more and more people were able to adopt healthy pedestrian habits and live in racially diverse neighborhoods that combine residential with retail and commercial. 公园的周边街区改善以后,越来越多的人们开始养成散步习惯,逐渐适应于居住在集零售和其它商业于一体的多种族聚居社区。
As the neighbours complained of the noise, my husband spent weeks training him to press his paw on the latch to let himself in. 由于邻居们对狗叫很有意见,所以我丈夫花了几个星期的时间训练它用脚爪按住门闩把自己放进来。
As the network has struggled with the cost, nearly 5,000 fans have mailed in 400 New Taiwan dollars apiece to help, an amount based on Wang's jersey number and worth about $12. 当公共电视努力筹措转播费之际,近5000名球迷以一人400元台币赞助经费,以王建民球衣背号为基数,相当于美金12元。
As the new academic year is rapidly approaching, I am most eager to hear from you concerning this problem. 新的一学年正飞快来到,我急切地盼望得到您对此事的回答。
As the new century began, an epidemic of terrorism spread panic around the globe. 新世纪伊始,恐怖主义的瘟疫即在全球散布恐慌。
As the new products, series 200, series 320 CNC cylindrical grinder also have been the important part in the domestic market. 作为新产品的200、320系列数控外圆磨床亦在国内市场占有重要地位。

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