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She said that she would not leave me.

She said that Joe was good, also. 然后您说起我给猫吃止痛药的事。
She said that her Imperial Majesty had been graciously pleased to show great esteem to Baron Funke, and again a shade of melancholy passed over her face. 她说,太后陛下对斗克男爵十分尊重,于是她的目光又笼罩着一抹愁云。
She said that must always be intolerant of ignorance but understanding of illiteracy. 她告诉我不能宽容无知,但可以理解文盲。
She said that she liked to hire good students from second tier universities. 她说她喜欢聘用二流学校的优秀学生。
She said that she would dig at American literature for her exam next year. 她说她一定要刻苦钻研美国文学以应付明年的考试。
She said that she would not leave me. 我要说:她说她不会离开我。
She said that under no circumstances would she allow us to skip the meeting. 她说怎么样都会让我们参加会议。
She said that with 80 percent of Australia's east coast temperate forests destroyed and continued rapid urbanization, koalas along the eastern seaboard could be extinct in 15 years. 她说,随着东海岸80%的温带森林遭到破坏,再加上持续而迅猛的城市化进程,生活在东部沿海的树袋熊可能会在今后15年内灭绝。
She said that you gave it to her. 她说那是你送她的。
She said the NBA generates about 10 percent of its $3 billion revenue outside the United States, and China is the biggest overseas contributor. 她说NBA的三十亿美金的收入有十分之一是来自美国境外,中国是其中最大的来源。
She said the company had a first-rate design, the design specifications of the professional organization WWF Jacquard trademarks, special labels, decorative bands famous at home and abroad, to meet the needs of different clients, more than 90% of domestic 目前公司拥有一流的设计人员,专业设计各种规格的提花织唛商标、特种标章、国内外名牌装饰标带,可满足不同客户的需要,公司90%以上产品随同服装、针织物、领带、鞋帽等出口国外,遍及国内多家著名企业。

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