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He was besieged by visitors.

He was beheaded for high treason. 他因叛国罪被斩首。
He was behindhand in his ideas. 他的思想是落伍。
He was beloved by the public during his lifetime as an engaging, energetic interpreter of the arts and humanities. 作为一位迷人的、精力充沛的的艺术及人文学的讲解者,他生前广受人们爱戴。
He was bereft of all hope. 他失去了所有的希。
He was beset by doubts. 他疑虑重重。
He was besieged by visitors. 来宾把他围在中间。
He was better than six feet tall, unsmiling, blue-eyed, dark-haired, with an aquiline nose, a pencil-thin mustache, and a great expanse of forehead—quite attractive to women, I should have thought, although he lacked Freud's ease. 他身高超过六英尺,不苟言笑,蓝眼珠,黑头发,鼻子弯曲,留着小胡子,天庭饱满——我得承认,这对女人颇有吸引力。
He was bewailing his failure in the examination. 他为考试不及格而悲伤。
He was bewitched by her beauty. 她生得貌美, 他一见倾心.
He was beyond all doubt the greatest musician of his day. 他无疑是他那个时代最伟大的音乐家。
He was biased against the plan from the beginning. 他从一开始就对这个计划有偏见。

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