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Methadone does not produce the highbrought on by heroin.

Meter the scene, select an f-stop, set the autoflash aperture to the same f-stop, and shoot. 在使用没有自动输出控制的闪光灯时,将闪光灯的感光度设为胶卷的二倍,对主体测光,机身选光圈整档,闪光灯设同样光圈。
Metering ports and body plugs may be interchanged for improved accessibility. 测量端口和阀体塞可以互换,以方便接近。
Meters conform with the SPC(Statistical Process Control)system. 仪器符合统计程序控制系统。
Metformin and a generic sulfonylurea should be the basis of oral glucose lowering therapy. 二甲双胍和一般磺脲类药物时口服降糖药物的治疗基础。
Metformin, an antihyperglycemic agent used in type 2 diabetes, was also inestigated because it inhibits PTP opening in transformed cell lines. 二甲双胍是用于治疗2型糖尿病的降糖药,能够抑制转化细胞系PTP的开放,所以我们对其进行调查.
Methadone does not produce the highbrought on by heroin. 美沙酮不产生海洛因引起的那种快感。
Methane and nitrous oxideare taken into account by converting them into “carbon-dioxide equivalent” emissions using conversion factors provided by the Intergovernmental Panel onClimate Change. 人们已经在考虑将沼气与一氧化二氮气体使用由气候变化政府专门小组提供的转换因子转换为二氧化碳的对等物。
Methanol and its derivatives, acetylene chemical industry, coarse benzene processing, chemical fertilizers, coal tar deep processing, coal combined oil and the all-round utilization of coal bed methane and coke oven gas and so on. 甲醇及衍生物、乙炔化工、粗笨加工、化肥、煤焦油深加工、煤制油以及煤层气和焦炉煤气多联产利用等。
Method 220 cases of amblyopia children got through answer papers, and the results had been analyzed by SPSS software. 方法对220名弱视儿童的发病情况作走访问卷式调查,采用SPSS软件进行统计分析。
Method 35 patients who had massive hematocele in bladder were studied retrospectively. 方法:对2000年3月~2005年12月处理的35例膀胱大量积血病例进行回顾性分析。
Method 92 cases with sarcoidosis were reviewed, and 5 of them with damages to nervous system were retrospectively analyzed. 方法复习92例结节病病例并重点分析有神经系统损害的5例病例。

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