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Web-links to the Sketchpad Resource Center, information about Add-On Curriculum Modules, and the standard Sketchpad Sample documents are now all available from the Help menu.

Web users blend data with maps to create a new way to communicate. 网络使用者将数据与地图相结合创造出一种崭新的交流方式。
Web wheel in large diameter lay out the pulp to keep even thickness of cotton core under high-speed operation. 大直径网轮铺放绒浆,高速运行时棉芯厚度均匀。
Web-based courseware is the key of network teaching. 摘要网络课件是网络教学的关键。
Web-based email services enable you to access email via a web browser. 基于网络的电子邮件服务是:你能通过网络浏览器访问电子邮件。
Web-based training and learning seems to be a perfect way to reach a huge pool of potential students, as well as curtail the high infrastructure and personnel costs of traditional schooling. 网络教育似乎是一种极好的教育方式,它能够触及到一大批潜在的学生,而且可以减少传统学校教育说需要的高额的基础设施及人力费用。
Web-links to the Sketchpad Resource Center, information about Add-On Curriculum Modules, and the standard Sketchpad Sample documents are now all available from the Help menu. 从软件的帮助菜单目前可以直接启动浏览器,访问《几何画板》资源中心及附加课程模块。
Web-site of the American School of Classical Studies in Athens, who have been responsible for excavating the Agora for many decades now. 美国雅典古典学研究学院的网站,学院负责发掘集市迄今已经几十年。
WebMD) A compound deried from the lowly sea squirt fights a deadly type of soft-tissue cancer and holds promise for oarian cancer as well. 一种源于深海海鞘的化合物可以治疗一种致死性的软组织肿瘤,并有希望治疗卵巢癌。
Webb fell behind Derek Jeter on a 3-1 count, and Damon took off for second. 接著,在韦伯对队长投出1好3坏的球数时(当队长击出球时),戴蒙(依战术)举足向二垒跑去。
Webb was not an astronomer, but head of NASA in the 1960s—a sharp indication of how the balance of power has shifted between scientists and bureaucrats. 韦博不是一名宇航员,而是20世纪60年代美国国家航天太空总署的领导者-这点强烈说明了权利的平衡是如何在科学家和官僚家之间转移的。
Webber paid tribute to his team as they collected their first podium finish of the season. 韦伯为他的车队做出了贡献,本赛季到目前为止,他们第一次登上领奖台。

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